Clingo C API
C API for clingo providing high level functions to control grounding and solving.

The example shows how to configure the solver.

It is also possible to loop over all configuration entries. This can be done in a similar fashion as in the statistics.c example. But note that, unlike with statistics entries, a configuration entry can have more than one type.


Model: a
Model: b


#include <clingo.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
bool print_model(clingo_model_t const *model) {
bool ret = true;
clingo_symbol_t *atoms = NULL;
size_t atoms_n;
clingo_symbol_t const *it, *ie;
char *str = NULL;
size_t str_n = 0;
// determine the number of (shown) symbols in the model
if (!clingo_model_symbols_size(model, clingo_show_type_shown, &atoms_n)) { goto error; }
// allocate required memory to hold all the symbols
if (!(atoms = (clingo_symbol_t*)malloc(sizeof(*atoms) * atoms_n))) {
clingo_set_error(clingo_error_bad_alloc, "could not allocate memory for atoms");
goto error;
// retrieve the symbols in the model
if (!clingo_model_symbols(model, clingo_show_type_shown, atoms, atoms_n)) { goto error; }
for (it = atoms, ie = atoms + atoms_n; it != ie; ++it) {
size_t n;
char *str_new;
// determine size of the string representation of the next symbol in the model
if (!clingo_symbol_to_string_size(*it, &n)) { goto error; }
if (str_n < n) {
// allocate required memory to hold the symbol's string
if (!(str_new = (char*)realloc(str, sizeof(*str) * n))) {
clingo_set_error(clingo_error_bad_alloc, "could not allocate memory for symbol's string");
goto error;
str = str_new;
str_n = n;
// retrieve the symbol's string
if (!clingo_symbol_to_string(*it, str, n)) { goto error; }
printf(" %s", str);
goto out;
ret = false;
if (atoms) { free(atoms); }
if (str) { free(str); }
return ret;
bool ret = true;
clingo_model_t const *model;
// get a solve handle
if (!clingo_control_solve(ctl, clingo_solve_mode_yield, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, &handle)) { goto error; }
// loop over all models
while (true) {
if (!clingo_solve_handle_resume(handle)) { goto error; }
if (!clingo_solve_handle_model(handle, &model)) { goto error; }
// print the model
if (model) { print_model(model); }
// stop if there are no more models
else { break; }
// close the solve handle
if (!clingo_solve_handle_get(handle, result)) { goto error; }
goto out;
ret = false;
// free the solve handle
return clingo_solve_handle_close(handle) && ret;
int main(int argc, char const **argv) {
char const *error_message;
int ret = 0;
clingo_control_t *ctl = NULL;
clingo_part_t parts[] = {{ "base", NULL, 0 }};
clingo_id_t root_key, sub_key;
// create a control object and pass command line arguments
if (!clingo_control_new(argv+1, argc-1, NULL, NULL, 20, &ctl) != 0) { goto error; }
// get the configuration object and its root key
if (!clingo_control_configuration(ctl, &conf)) { goto error; }
if (!clingo_configuration_root(conf, &root_key)) { goto error; }
// configure to enumerate all models
if (!clingo_configuration_map_at(conf, root_key, "solve.models", &sub_key)) { goto error; }
if (!clingo_configuration_value_set(conf, sub_key, "0")) { goto error; }
// configure the first solver to use the berkmin heuristic
if (!clingo_configuration_map_at(conf, root_key, "solver", &sub_key)) { goto error; }
if (!clingo_configuration_array_at(conf, sub_key, 0, &sub_key)) { goto error; }
if (!clingo_configuration_map_at(conf, sub_key, "heuristic", &sub_key)) { goto error; }
if (!clingo_configuration_value_set(conf, sub_key, "berkmin")) { goto error; }
// note that the solver entry can be used both as an array and a map
// if used as a map, this simply sets the configuration of the first solver and
// is equivalent to the code above
// add a logic program to the base part
if (!clingo_control_add(ctl, "base", NULL, 0, "a :- not b. b :- not a.")) { goto error; }
// ground the base part
if (!clingo_control_ground(ctl, parts, 1, NULL, NULL)) { goto error; }
// solve
if (!solve(ctl, &solve_ret)) { goto error; }
goto out;
if (!(error_message = clingo_error_message())) { error_message = "error"; }
printf("%s\n", error_message);
if (ctl) { clingo_control_free(ctl); }
return ret;
@ clingo_solve_mode_yield
Yield models in calls to clingo_solve_handle_model.
Definition: clingo.h:2288
@ clingo_show_type_shown
Select shown atoms and terms.
Definition: clingo.h:2098
struct clingo_control clingo_control_t
Control object holding grounding and solving state.
Definition: clingo.h:2693
CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_new(char const *const *arguments, size_t arguments_size, clingo_logger_t logger, void *logger_data, unsigned message_limit, clingo_control_t **control)
Create a new control object.
CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT void clingo_control_free(clingo_control_t *control)
Free a control object created with clingo_control_new().
Struct used to specify the program parts that have to be grounded.
Definition: clingo.h:2645
CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_configuration_array_at(clingo_configuration_t const *configuration, clingo_id_t key, size_t offset, clingo_id_t *subkey)
Get the subkey at the given offset of an array entry.
CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_solve_handle_close(clingo_solve_handle_t *handle)
Stops the running search and releases the handle.
CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbol_to_string(clingo_symbol_t symbol, char *string, size_t size)
Get the string representation of a symbol.
CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_ground(clingo_control_t *control, clingo_part_t const *parts, size_t parts_size, clingo_ground_callback_t ground_callback, void *ground_callback_data)
Ground the selected parts of the current (non-ground) logic program.
CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_add(clingo_control_t *control, char const *name, char const *const *parameters, size_t parameters_size, char const *program)
Extend the logic program with the given non-ground logic program in string form.
CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_solve_handle_get(clingo_solve_handle_t *handle, clingo_solve_result_bitset_t *result)
Get the next solve result.
CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_solve(clingo_control_t *control, clingo_solve_mode_bitset_t mode, clingo_literal_t const *assumptions, size_t assumptions_size, clingo_solve_event_callback_t notify, void *data, clingo_solve_handle_t **handle)
Solve the currently grounded logic program enumerating its models.
struct clingo_model clingo_model_t
Object representing a model.
Definition: clingo.h:2085
CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_solve_handle_resume(clingo_solve_handle_t *handle)
Discards the last model and starts the search for the next one.
CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_symbol_to_string_size(clingo_symbol_t symbol, size_t *size)
Get the size of the string representation of a symbol (including the terminating 0).
CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_model_symbols_size(clingo_model_t const *model, clingo_show_type_bitset_t show, size_t *size)
Get the number of symbols of the selected types in the model.
struct clingo_solve_handle clingo_solve_handle_t
Search handle to a solve call.
Definition: clingo.h:2322
unsigned clingo_solve_result_bitset_t
Definition: clingo.h:2248
CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_solve_handle_model(clingo_solve_handle_t *handle, clingo_model_t const **model)
Get the next model (or zero if there are no more models).
CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_configuration_root(clingo_configuration_t const *configuration, clingo_id_t *key)
Get the root key of the configuration.
CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT clingo_error_t clingo_error_code()
Get the last error code set by a clingo API call.
CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT const char * clingo_error_message()
Get the last error message set if an API call fails.
CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_control_configuration(clingo_control_t *control, clingo_configuration_t **configuration)
Get a configuration object to change the solver configuration.
uint64_t clingo_symbol_t
Represents a symbol.
Definition: clingo.h:330
uint32_t clingo_id_t
Unsigned integer type used in various places.
Definition: clingo.h:125
CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_configuration_map_at(clingo_configuration_t const *configuration, clingo_id_t key, char const *name, clingo_id_t *subkey)
Lookup a subkey under the given name.
CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_configuration_value_set(clingo_configuration_t *configuration, clingo_id_t key, char const *value)
Set the value of an entry.
struct clingo_configuration clingo_configuration_t
Handle for to the solver configuration.
Definition: clingo.h:1744
@ clingo_error_bad_alloc
memory could not be allocated
Definition: clingo.h:145
CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT void clingo_set_error(clingo_error_t code, char const *message)
Set a custom error code and message in the active thread.
CLINGO_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT bool clingo_model_symbols(clingo_model_t const *model, clingo_show_type_bitset_t show, clingo_symbol_t *symbols, size_t size)
Get the symbols of the selected types in the model.