Module clingo.theory_atoms

Functions and classes to work with theory atoms.


>>> from clingo.control import Control
>>> ctl = Control()
>>> ctl.add('base', [], """\
... #theory example {
...     t { };
...     &a/0 : t, head
... }.
... {c}.
... &a { t: c }.
... """)
>>> ctl.ground([('base', [])])
>>> atm = next(ctl.theory_atoms)
>>> print(atm)
&a{t: c}
>>> elm = atm.elements[0]
>>> print(elm)
t: c
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Functions and classes to work with theory atoms.

    >>> from clingo.control import Control
    >>> ctl = Control()
    >>> ctl.add('base', [], """\\
    ... #theory example {
    ...     t { };
    ...     &a/0 : t, head
    ... }.
    ... {c}.
    ... &a { t: c }.
    ... """)
    >>> ctl.ground([('base', [])])
    >>> atm = next(ctl.theory_atoms)
    >>> print(atm)
    &a{t: c}
    >>> elm = atm.elements[0]
    >>> print(elm)
    t: c

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
from enum import Enum
from functools import total_ordering

from ._internal import _c_call, _c_call2, _lib, _str, _to_str

__all__ = [ 'TheoryAtom', 'TheoryElement', 'TheoryTerm', 'TheoryTermType' ]

class TheoryTermType(Enum):
    Enumeration of theory term types.
    Function = _lib.clingo_theory_term_type_function
    For a function theory terms.
    List = _lib.clingo_theory_term_type_list
    For list theory terms.
    Number = _lib.clingo_theory_term_type_number
    For numeric theory terms.
    Set = _lib.clingo_theory_term_type_set
    For set theory terms.
    Symbol = _lib.clingo_theory_term_type_symbol
    For symbolic theory terms (symbol here means the term is a string).
    Tuple = _lib.clingo_theory_term_type_tuple
    For tuple theory terms.

class TheoryTerm:
    `TheoryTerm` objects represent theory terms.

    Theory terms have a readable string representation, implement Python's rich
    comparison operators, and can be used as dictionary keys.
    def __init__(self, rep, idx):
        self._rep = rep
        self._idx = idx

    def __hash__(self):
        return self._idx

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self._idx == other._idx

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self._idx < other._idx

    def __str__(self):
        return _str(_lib.clingo_theory_atoms_term_to_string_size,
                    self._rep, self._idx)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'TheoryTerm({self._rep!r})'

    def arguments(self) -> List['TheoryTerm']:
        The arguments of the term (for functions, tuples, list, and sets).
        args, size = _c_call2('clingo_id_t*', 'size_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_term_arguments, self._rep, self._idx)
        return [TheoryTerm(self._rep, args[i]) for i in range(size)]

    def name(self) -> str:
        The name of the term (for symbols and functions).
        return _to_str(_c_call('char*', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_term_name, self._rep, self._idx))

    def number(self) -> int:
        The numeric representation of the term (for numbers).
        return _c_call('int', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_term_number, self._rep, self._idx)

    def type(self) -> TheoryTermType:
        The type of the theory term.
        type_ = _c_call('clingo_theory_term_type_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_term_type, self._rep, self._idx)
        return TheoryTermType(type_)

class TheoryElement:
    Class to represent theory elements.

    Theory elements have a readable string representation, implement Python's rich
    comparison operators, and can be used as dictionary keys.
    def __init__(self, rep, idx):
        self._rep = rep
        self._idx = idx

    def __hash__(self):
        return self._idx

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self._idx == other._idx

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self._idx < other._idx

    def __str__(self):
        return _str(_lib.clingo_theory_atoms_element_to_string_size,
                    self._rep, self._idx)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'TheoryElement({self._rep!r})'

    def condition(self) -> List[int]:
        The condition of the element in form of a list of program literals.
        cond, size = _c_call2('clingo_literal_t*', 'size_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_element_condition,
                              self._rep, self._idx)
        return [cond[i] for i in range(size)]

    def condition_id(self) -> int:
        Each condition has an id, which is a temporary program literal. This id
        can be passed to `clingo.propagator.PropagateInit.solver_literal` to
        obtain a corresponding solver literal.
        return _c_call('clingo_literal_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_element_condition_id, self._rep, self._idx)

    def terms(self) -> List[TheoryTerm]:
        The tuple of the element.
        terms, size = _c_call2('clingo_id_t*', 'size_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_element_tuple, self._rep, self._idx)
        return [TheoryTerm(self._rep, terms[i]) for i in range(size)]

class TheoryAtom:
    Class to represent theory atoms.

    Theory atoms have a readable string representation, implement Python's rich
    comparison operators, and can be used as dictionary keys.
    def __init__(self, rep, idx):
        self._rep = rep
        self._idx = idx

    def __hash__(self):
        return self._idx

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self._idx == other._idx

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self._idx < other._idx

    def __str__(self):
        return _str(_lib.clingo_theory_atoms_atom_to_string_size,
                    self._rep, self._idx)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'TheoryAtom({self._rep!r})'

    def elements(self) -> List[TheoryElement]:
        The elements of the atom.
        elems, size = _c_call2('clingo_id_t*', 'size_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_atom_elements, self._rep, self._idx)
        return [TheoryElement(self._rep, elems[i]) for i in range(size)]

    def guard(self) -> Optional[Tuple[str, TheoryTerm]]:
        The guard of the atom or None if the atom has no guard.
        if not _c_call('bool', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_atom_has_guard, self._rep, self._idx):
            return None

        conn, term = _c_call2('char*', 'clingo_id_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_atom_guard, self._rep, self._idx)

        return (_to_str(conn), TheoryTerm(self._rep, term))

    def literal(self) -> int:
        The program literal associated with the atom.
        return _c_call('clingo_literal_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_atom_literal, self._rep, self._idx)

    def term(self) -> TheoryTerm:
        The term of the atom.
        term = _c_call('clingo_id_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_atom_term, self._rep, self._idx)
        return TheoryTerm(self._rep, term)


class TheoryAtom (rep, idx)

Class to represent theory atoms.

Theory atoms have a readable string representation, implement Python's rich comparison operators, and can be used as dictionary keys.

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class TheoryAtom:
    Class to represent theory atoms.

    Theory atoms have a readable string representation, implement Python's rich
    comparison operators, and can be used as dictionary keys.
    def __init__(self, rep, idx):
        self._rep = rep
        self._idx = idx

    def __hash__(self):
        return self._idx

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self._idx == other._idx

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self._idx < other._idx

    def __str__(self):
        return _str(_lib.clingo_theory_atoms_atom_to_string_size,
                    self._rep, self._idx)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'TheoryAtom({self._rep!r})'

    def elements(self) -> List[TheoryElement]:
        The elements of the atom.
        elems, size = _c_call2('clingo_id_t*', 'size_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_atom_elements, self._rep, self._idx)
        return [TheoryElement(self._rep, elems[i]) for i in range(size)]

    def guard(self) -> Optional[Tuple[str, TheoryTerm]]:
        The guard of the atom or None if the atom has no guard.
        if not _c_call('bool', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_atom_has_guard, self._rep, self._idx):
            return None

        conn, term = _c_call2('char*', 'clingo_id_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_atom_guard, self._rep, self._idx)

        return (_to_str(conn), TheoryTerm(self._rep, term))

    def literal(self) -> int:
        The program literal associated with the atom.
        return _c_call('clingo_literal_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_atom_literal, self._rep, self._idx)

    def term(self) -> TheoryTerm:
        The term of the atom.
        term = _c_call('clingo_id_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_atom_term, self._rep, self._idx)
        return TheoryTerm(self._rep, term)

Instance variables

var elements : List[TheoryElement]

The elements of the atom.

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def elements(self) -> List[TheoryElement]:
    The elements of the atom.
    elems, size = _c_call2('clingo_id_t*', 'size_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_atom_elements, self._rep, self._idx)
    return [TheoryElement(self._rep, elems[i]) for i in range(size)]
var guard : Optional[Tuple[str, TheoryTerm]]

The guard of the atom or None if the atom has no guard.

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def guard(self) -> Optional[Tuple[str, TheoryTerm]]:
    The guard of the atom or None if the atom has no guard.
    if not _c_call('bool', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_atom_has_guard, self._rep, self._idx):
        return None

    conn, term = _c_call2('char*', 'clingo_id_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_atom_guard, self._rep, self._idx)

    return (_to_str(conn), TheoryTerm(self._rep, term))
var literal : int

The program literal associated with the atom.

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def literal(self) -> int:
    The program literal associated with the atom.
    return _c_call('clingo_literal_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_atom_literal, self._rep, self._idx)
var termTheoryTerm

The term of the atom.

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def term(self) -> TheoryTerm:
    The term of the atom.
    term = _c_call('clingo_id_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_atom_term, self._rep, self._idx)
    return TheoryTerm(self._rep, term)
class TheoryElement (rep, idx)

Class to represent theory elements.

Theory elements have a readable string representation, implement Python's rich comparison operators, and can be used as dictionary keys.

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class TheoryElement:
    Class to represent theory elements.

    Theory elements have a readable string representation, implement Python's rich
    comparison operators, and can be used as dictionary keys.
    def __init__(self, rep, idx):
        self._rep = rep
        self._idx = idx

    def __hash__(self):
        return self._idx

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self._idx == other._idx

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self._idx < other._idx

    def __str__(self):
        return _str(_lib.clingo_theory_atoms_element_to_string_size,
                    self._rep, self._idx)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'TheoryElement({self._rep!r})'

    def condition(self) -> List[int]:
        The condition of the element in form of a list of program literals.
        cond, size = _c_call2('clingo_literal_t*', 'size_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_element_condition,
                              self._rep, self._idx)
        return [cond[i] for i in range(size)]

    def condition_id(self) -> int:
        Each condition has an id, which is a temporary program literal. This id
        can be passed to `clingo.propagator.PropagateInit.solver_literal` to
        obtain a corresponding solver literal.
        return _c_call('clingo_literal_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_element_condition_id, self._rep, self._idx)

    def terms(self) -> List[TheoryTerm]:
        The tuple of the element.
        terms, size = _c_call2('clingo_id_t*', 'size_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_element_tuple, self._rep, self._idx)
        return [TheoryTerm(self._rep, terms[i]) for i in range(size)]

Instance variables

var condition : List[int]

The condition of the element in form of a list of program literals.

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def condition(self) -> List[int]:
    The condition of the element in form of a list of program literals.
    cond, size = _c_call2('clingo_literal_t*', 'size_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_element_condition,
                          self._rep, self._idx)
    return [cond[i] for i in range(size)]
var condition_id : int

Each condition has an id, which is a temporary program literal. This id can be passed to PropagateInit.solver_literal() to obtain a corresponding solver literal.

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def condition_id(self) -> int:
    Each condition has an id, which is a temporary program literal. This id
    can be passed to `clingo.propagator.PropagateInit.solver_literal` to
    obtain a corresponding solver literal.
    return _c_call('clingo_literal_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_element_condition_id, self._rep, self._idx)
var terms : List[TheoryTerm]

The tuple of the element.

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def terms(self) -> List[TheoryTerm]:
    The tuple of the element.
    terms, size = _c_call2('clingo_id_t*', 'size_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_element_tuple, self._rep, self._idx)
    return [TheoryTerm(self._rep, terms[i]) for i in range(size)]
class TheoryTerm (rep, idx)

TheoryTerm objects represent theory terms.

Theory terms have a readable string representation, implement Python's rich comparison operators, and can be used as dictionary keys.

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class TheoryTerm:
    `TheoryTerm` objects represent theory terms.

    Theory terms have a readable string representation, implement Python's rich
    comparison operators, and can be used as dictionary keys.
    def __init__(self, rep, idx):
        self._rep = rep
        self._idx = idx

    def __hash__(self):
        return self._idx

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self._idx == other._idx

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self._idx < other._idx

    def __str__(self):
        return _str(_lib.clingo_theory_atoms_term_to_string_size,
                    self._rep, self._idx)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'TheoryTerm({self._rep!r})'

    def arguments(self) -> List['TheoryTerm']:
        The arguments of the term (for functions, tuples, list, and sets).
        args, size = _c_call2('clingo_id_t*', 'size_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_term_arguments, self._rep, self._idx)
        return [TheoryTerm(self._rep, args[i]) for i in range(size)]

    def name(self) -> str:
        The name of the term (for symbols and functions).
        return _to_str(_c_call('char*', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_term_name, self._rep, self._idx))

    def number(self) -> int:
        The numeric representation of the term (for numbers).
        return _c_call('int', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_term_number, self._rep, self._idx)

    def type(self) -> TheoryTermType:
        The type of the theory term.
        type_ = _c_call('clingo_theory_term_type_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_term_type, self._rep, self._idx)
        return TheoryTermType(type_)

Instance variables

var arguments : List[TheoryTerm]

The arguments of the term (for functions, tuples, list, and sets).

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def arguments(self) -> List['TheoryTerm']:
    The arguments of the term (for functions, tuples, list, and sets).
    args, size = _c_call2('clingo_id_t*', 'size_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_term_arguments, self._rep, self._idx)
    return [TheoryTerm(self._rep, args[i]) for i in range(size)]
var name : str

The name of the term (for symbols and functions).

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def name(self) -> str:
    The name of the term (for symbols and functions).
    return _to_str(_c_call('char*', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_term_name, self._rep, self._idx))
var number : int

The numeric representation of the term (for numbers).

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def number(self) -> int:
    The numeric representation of the term (for numbers).
    return _c_call('int', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_term_number, self._rep, self._idx)
var typeTheoryTermType

The type of the theory term.

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def type(self) -> TheoryTermType:
    The type of the theory term.
    type_ = _c_call('clingo_theory_term_type_t', _lib.clingo_theory_atoms_term_type, self._rep, self._idx)
    return TheoryTermType(type_)
class TheoryTermType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

Enumeration of theory term types.

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class TheoryTermType(Enum):
    Enumeration of theory term types.
    Function = _lib.clingo_theory_term_type_function
    For a function theory terms.
    List = _lib.clingo_theory_term_type_list
    For list theory terms.
    Number = _lib.clingo_theory_term_type_number
    For numeric theory terms.
    Set = _lib.clingo_theory_term_type_set
    For set theory terms.
    Symbol = _lib.clingo_theory_term_type_symbol
    For symbolic theory terms (symbol here means the term is a string).
    Tuple = _lib.clingo_theory_term_type_tuple
    For tuple theory terms.


  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var Function

For a function theory terms.

var List

For list theory terms.

var Number

For numeric theory terms.

var Set

For set theory terms.

var Symbol

For symbolic theory terms (symbol here means the term is a string).

var Tuple

For tuple theory terms.