Module clingox.ast
This module provides highlevel functions to work with clingo's AST.
Theory Parsing Examples
The following examples shows how to construct and use a theory parser:
>>> from clingo.ast import TheoryAtomType, parse_string
>>> from clingox.ast import Arity, Associativity, TheoryParser
>>> terms = {"term":
... {("-", Arity.Unary): (3, Associativity.NoAssociativity),
... ("**", Arity.Binary): (2, Associativity.Right),
... ("*", Arity.Binary): (1, Associativity.Left),
... ("+", Arity.Binary): (0, Associativity.Left),
... ("-", Arity.Binary): (0, Associativity.Left)}}
>>> atoms = {("eval", 0): (TheoryAtomType.Head, "term", None)}
>>> parser = TheoryParser(terms, atoms)
>>> parse_string('&eval{ -1 * 2 + 3 }.', print)
#program base.
&eval { (- 1 * 2 + 3) }.
>>> parse_string('&eval{ -1 * 2 + 3 }.', lambda x: print(parser(x)))
#program base.
&eval { +(*(-(1),2),3) }.
The same parser can also be constructed from a theory:
>>> from clingo.ast import parse_string, ASTType
>>> from clingox.ast import theory_parser_from_definition
>>> theory = """\
... #theory test {
... term {
... - : 3, unary;
... ** : 2, binary, right;
... * : 1, binary, left;
... + : 0, binary, left;
... - : 0, binary, left
... };
... &eval/0 : term, head
... }.
... """
>>> parsers = []
>>> def extract(stm):
... if stm.ast_type == ASTType.TheoryDefinition:
... parsers.append(theory_parser_from_definition(stm))
>>> parse_string(theory, extract)
>>> parse_string('&eval{ -1 * 2 + 3 }.', print)
#program base.
&eval { (- 1 * 2 + 3) }.
>>> parse_string('&eval{ -1 * 2 + 3 }.', lambda x: print(parsers[0](x)))
#program base.
&eval { +(*(-(1),2),3) }.
Ast To Dict Conversion Example
Another interesting feature is to convert ASTs to YAML:
>>> from json import dumps
>>> from clingo.ast import parse_string
>>> from clingox.ast import ast_to_dict
>>> prg = []
>>> parse_string('a.', lambda x: prg.append(ast_to_dict(x)))
>>> print(dumps(prg, indent=2))
"ast_type": "Program",
"location": "<string>:1:1",
"name": "base",
"parameters": []
"ast_type": "Rule",
"location": "<string>:1:1-3",
"head": {
"ast_type": "Literal",
"location": "<string>:1:1-2",
"sign": 0,
"atom": {
"ast_type": "SymbolicAtom",
"symbol": {
"ast_type": "Function",
"location": "<string>:1:1-2",
"name": "a",
"arguments": [],
"external": 0
"body": []
Expand source code
This module provides highlevel functions to work with clingo's AST.
Theory Parsing Examples
The following examples shows how to construct and use a theory parser:
>>> from clingo.ast import TheoryAtomType, parse_string
>>> from clingox.ast import Arity, Associativity, TheoryParser
>>> terms = {"term":
... {("-", Arity.Unary): (3, Associativity.NoAssociativity),
... ("**", Arity.Binary): (2, Associativity.Right),
... ("*", Arity.Binary): (1, Associativity.Left),
... ("+", Arity.Binary): (0, Associativity.Left),
... ("-", Arity.Binary): (0, Associativity.Left)}}
>>> atoms = {("eval", 0): (TheoryAtomType.Head, "term", None)}
>>> parser = TheoryParser(terms, atoms)
>>> parse_string('&eval{ -1 * 2 + 3 }.', print)
#program base.
&eval { (- 1 * 2 + 3) }.
>>> parse_string('&eval{ -1 * 2 + 3 }.', lambda x: print(parser(x)))
#program base.
&eval { +(*(-(1),2),3) }.
The same parser can also be constructed from a theory:
>>> from clingo.ast import parse_string, ASTType
>>> from clingox.ast import theory_parser_from_definition
>>> theory = """\\
... #theory test {
... term {
... - : 3, unary;
... ** : 2, binary, right;
... * : 1, binary, left;
... + : 0, binary, left;
... - : 0, binary, left
... };
... &eval/0 : term, head
... }.
... """
>>> parsers = []
>>> def extract(stm):
... if stm.ast_type == ASTType.TheoryDefinition:
... parsers.append(theory_parser_from_definition(stm))
>>> parse_string(theory, extract)
>>> parse_string('&eval{ -1 * 2 + 3 }.', print)
#program base.
&eval { (- 1 * 2 + 3) }.
>>> parse_string('&eval{ -1 * 2 + 3 }.', lambda x: print(parsers[0](x)))
#program base.
&eval { +(*(-(1),2),3) }.
AST to dict Conversion Example
Another interesting feature is to convert ASTs to YAML:
>>> from json import dumps
>>> from clingo.ast import parse_string
>>> from clingox.ast import ast_to_dict
>>> prg = []
>>> parse_string('a.', lambda x: prg.append(ast_to_dict(x)))
>>> print(dumps(prg, indent=2))
"ast_type": "Program",
"location": "<string>:1:1",
"name": "base",
"parameters": []
"ast_type": "Rule",
"location": "<string>:1:1-3",
"head": {
"ast_type": "Literal",
"location": "<string>:1:1-2",
"sign": 0,
"atom": {
"ast_type": "SymbolicAtom",
"symbol": {
"ast_type": "Function",
"location": "<string>:1:1-2",
"name": "a",
"arguments": [],
"external": 0
"body": []
from copy import copy
from enum import Enum, auto
from functools import lru_cache, partial, singledispatch
from re import fullmatch
from typing import (
import clingo
from clingo import ast
from clingo.ast import (
from .theory import is_operator
__all__ = [
class Arity(Enum):
Enumeration of operator arities.
# pylint:disable=invalid-name
Unary = 1
Binary = 2
class Associativity(Enum):
Enumeration of operator associativities.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
Left = auto()
Right = auto()
NoAssociativity = auto()
def _s(m, a: str, b: str):
Select the match group b if not None and group a otherwise.
return m[a] if m[b] is None else m[b]
def _quote(s: str) -> str:
return s.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace(":", "\\:")
def _unquote(s: str) -> str:
return s.replace("\\:", ":").replace("\\\\", "\\")
def location_to_str(loc: Location) -> str:
This function transfroms a loctation object into a readable string.
Colons in the location will be quoted ensuring that the resulting is
parsable using `str_to_location`.
The location to transform.
The string representation of the given location.
begin, end = loc.begin, loc.end
bf, ef = _quote(begin.filename), _quote(end.filename)
ret = f"{bf}:{begin.line}:{begin.column}"
dash, eq = True, bf == ef
if not eq:
ret += f"{'-' if dash else ':'}{ef}"
dash = False
eq = eq and begin.line == end.line
if not eq:
ret += f"{'-' if dash else ':'}{end.line}"
dash = False
eq = eq and begin.column == end.column
if not eq:
ret += f"{'-' if dash else ':'}{end.column}"
dash = False
return ret
def str_to_location(loc: str) -> Location:
This function parses a location from its string representation.
The string to parse.
The parsed location.
See Also
m = fullmatch(
if not m:
raise RuntimeError("could not parse location")
begin = Position(_unquote(m["bf"]), int(m["bl"]), int(m["bc"]))
end = Position(
_unquote(_s(m, "bf", "ef")), int(_s(m, "bl", "el")), int(_s(m, "bc", "ec"))
return Location(begin, end)
OperatorTable = Mapping[Tuple[str, Arity], Tuple[int, Associativity]]
AtomTable = Mapping[
Tuple[str, int], Tuple[TheoryAtomType, str, Optional[Tuple[List[str], str]]]
class TheoryUnparsedTermParser:
Parser for unparsed theory terms in clingo's AST that works like the
inbuilt one.
Note that associativity for unary operators is ignored and binary
operators must use either `Associativity.Left` or `Associativity.Right`.
Mapping of operator/arity pairs to priority/associativity pairs.
_stack: List[Tuple[str, Arity]]
_terms: List[AST]
_table: OperatorTable
def __init__(self, table: OperatorTable):
self._stack = []
self._terms = []
self._table = table
def _priority_and_associativity(self, operator: str) -> Tuple[int, Associativity]:
Get priority and associativity of the given binary operator.
return self._table[(operator, Arity.Binary)]
def _priority(self, operator: str, arity: Arity) -> int:
Get priority of the given unary or binary operator.
return self._table[(operator, arity)][0]
def _check(self, operator: str) -> bool:
Returns true if the stack has to be reduced because of the precedence
of the given binary operator is lower than the preceeding operator on
the stack.
if not self._stack:
return False
priority, associativity = self._priority_and_associativity(operator)
previous_priority = self._priority(*self._stack[-1])
return previous_priority > priority or (
previous_priority == priority and associativity == Associativity.Left
def _reduce(self) -> None:
Combines the last unary or binary term on the stack.
b = self._terms.pop()
operator, arity = self._stack.pop()
if arity == Arity.Unary:
self._terms.append(TheoryFunction(b.location, operator, [b]))
a = self._terms.pop()
loc = Location(a.location.begin, b.location.end)
self._terms.append(TheoryFunction(loc, operator, [a, b]))
def check_operator(self, operator: str, arity: Arity, location: Location) -> None:
Check if the given operator is in the parse table raising a runtime
error if absent.
The operator name.
The arity of the operator.
Location of the operator for error reporting.
if (operator, arity) not in self._table:
raise RuntimeError(
f"cannot parse operator `{operator}`: {location_to_str(location)}"
def parse(self, x: AST) -> AST:
Parses the given unparsed term, replacing it by nested theory
The AST to parse.
The rewritten AST.
del self._stack[:]
del self._terms[:]
arity = Arity.Unary
for element in x.elements:
for operator in element.operators:
self.check_operator(operator, arity, x.location)
while arity == Arity.Binary and self._check(operator):
self._stack.append((operator, arity))
arity = Arity.Unary
arity = Arity.Binary
while self._stack:
return self._terms[0]
class TheoryTermParser(Transformer):
Parser for theory terms in clingo's AST that works like the inbuilt one.
This is implemented as a transformer that traverses the AST replacing all
terms found.
This must either be a table of operators or a `TheoryUnparsedTermParser`.
See Also
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
def __init__(self, table: Union[OperatorTable, TheoryUnparsedTermParser]):
self._parser = (
if isinstance(table, TheoryUnparsedTermParser)
else TheoryUnparsedTermParser(table)
def visit_TheoryFunction(self, x) -> AST:
Parse the theory function and check if it agrees with the grammar.
The AST to rewrite.
The rewritten AST.
arity = None
if len(x.arguments) == 1:
arity = Arity.Unary
if len(x.arguments) == 2:
arity = Arity.Binary
if arity is not None and is_operator(
self._parser.check_operator(, arity, x.location)
return x.update(**self.visit_children(x))
def visit_TheoryUnparsedTerm(self, x: AST) -> AST:
Parse the given unparsed term.
The AST to rewrite.
The rewritten AST.
return cast(AST, self(self._parser.parse(x)))
_clingo_term_table = {
("-", Arity.Unary): (5, Associativity.NoAssociativity),
("~", Arity.Unary): (5, Associativity.NoAssociativity),
("**", Arity.Binary): (4, Associativity.Right),
("*", Arity.Binary): (3, Associativity.Left),
("/", Arity.Binary): (3, Associativity.Left),
("\\", Arity.Binary): (3, Associativity.Left),
("+", Arity.Binary): (2, Associativity.Left),
("-", Arity.Binary): (2, Associativity.Left),
("&", Arity.Binary): (1, Associativity.Left),
("?", Arity.Binary): (1, Associativity.Left),
("^", Arity.Binary): (1, Associativity.Left),
("..", Arity.Binary): (0, Associativity.Left),
def clingo_term_parser() -> TheoryTermParser:
Return a theory term parser that parses theory terms like clingo terms.
Note that for technical reasons pools and the absolute function are not
return TheoryTermParser(_clingo_term_table)
def clingo_literal_parser() -> TheoryTermParser:
Return a theory term parser that parses theory literals similar to clingo's
parser for symbolic literals.
Note that for technical reasons pools and the absolute function are not
clingo_literal_table = _clingo_term_table.copy()
("-", Arity.Unary): (0, Associativity.NoAssociativity),
("not", Arity.Unary): (0, Associativity.NoAssociativity),
return TheoryTermParser(clingo_literal_table)
class TheoryParser(Transformer):
This class parses theory atoms in the same way as clingo's internal parser.
Mapping from term identifiers to `TheoryTermParser`s. If an operator
table is given, the `TheoryTermParser` is constructed from this table.
Mapping from atom name/arity pairs to tuples defining the acceptable
structure of the theory atom.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
_table: Mapping[
Tuple[str, int],
Optional[Tuple[Set[str], TheoryTermParser]],
_in_body: bool
_in_head: bool
_is_directive: bool
def __init__(
terms: Mapping[str, Union[OperatorTable, TheoryTermParser]],
atoms: AtomTable,
term_parsers = {}
for term_key, parser in terms.items():
if isinstance(parser, TheoryTermParser):
term_parsers[term_key] = parser
term_parsers[term_key] = TheoryTermParser(parser)
self._table = {}
for atom_key, (atom_type, term_key, guard) in atoms.items():
guard_table = None
if guard is not None:
guard_table = (set(guard[0]), term_parsers[guard[1]])
self._table[atom_key] = (atom_type, term_parsers[term_key], guard_table)
def _reset(self, in_head=True, in_body=True, is_directive=True):
Set state information about active scope.
self._in_head = in_head
self._in_body = in_body
self._is_directive = is_directive
def _visit_body(self, x: AST) -> AST:
self._reset(False, True, False)
old = x.body
new = self.visit_sequence(old)
return x if new is old else x.update(body=new)
def visit_Rule(self, x: AST) -> AST:
Parse theory atoms in body and head.
The AST to rewrite.
The rewritten AST.
ret = self._visit_body(x)
self._reset(True, False, not x.body)
head = self(x.head)
if head is not x.head:
if ret is x:
ret = copy(ret)
ret.head = head
return ret
def visit_ShowTerm(self, x: AST) -> AST:
Parse theory atoms in body.
The AST to rewrite.
The rewritten AST.
return self._visit_body(x)
def visit_Minimize(self, x: AST) -> AST:
Parse theory atoms in body.
The AST to rewrite.
The rewritten AST.
return self._visit_body(x)
def visit_Edge(self, x: AST) -> AST:
Parse theory atoms in body.
The AST to rewrite.
The rewritten AST.
return self._visit_body(x)
def visit_Heuristic(self, x: AST) -> AST:
Parse theory atoms in body.
The AST to rewrite.
The rewritten AST.
return self._visit_body(x)
def visit_ProjectAtom(self, x: AST) -> AST:
Parse theory atoms in body.
The AST to rewrite.
The rewritten AST.
return self._visit_body(x)
def visit_TheoryAtom(self, x: AST) -> AST:
Parse the given theory atom.
The AST to rewrite.
The rewritten AST.
name =
arity = len(x.term.arguments)
if (name, arity) not in self._table:
raise RuntimeError(
f"theory atom definiton not found: {location_to_str(x.location)}"
type_, element_parser, guard_table = self._table[(name, arity)]
if type_ == TheoryAtomType.Head and not self._in_head:
raise RuntimeError(
f"theory atom only accepted in head: {location_to_str(x.location)}"
if type_ == TheoryAtomType.Body and not self._in_body:
raise RuntimeError(
f"theory atom only accepted in body: {location_to_str(x.location)}"
if type_ == TheoryAtomType.Directive and not (
self._in_head and self._is_directive
raise RuntimeError(
f"theory atom must be a directive: {location_to_str(x.location)}"
x = copy(x)
x.term = element_parser(x.term)
x.elements = element_parser.visit_sequence(x.elements)
if x.guard is not None:
if guard_table is None:
raise RuntimeError(
f"unexpected guard in theory atom: {location_to_str(x.location)}"
guards, guard_parser = guard_table
if x.guard.operator_name not in guards:
raise RuntimeError(
f"unexpected guard in theory atom: {location_to_str(x.location)}"
x.guard = copy(x.guard)
x.guard.term = guard_parser(x.guard.term)
return x
def theory_parser_from_definition(x: AST) -> TheoryParser:
Turn an AST node of type TheoryDefinition into a TheoryParser.
An AST representing a theory definition.
The corresponding `TheoryParser`.
assert x.ast_type == ASTType.TheoryDefinition
terms = {}
atoms = {}
for term_def in x.terms:
term_table = {}
for op_def in term_def.operators:
op_assoc: Associativity
if op_def.operator_type == TheoryOperatorType.BinaryLeft:
op_type = Arity.Binary
op_assoc = Associativity.Left
elif op_def.operator_type == TheoryOperatorType.BinaryRight:
op_type = Arity.Binary
op_assoc = Associativity.Right
op_type = Arity.Unary
op_assoc = Associativity.NoAssociativity
term_table[(, op_type)] = (op_def.priority, op_assoc)
terms[] = term_table
for atom_def in x.atoms:
guard = None
if atom_def.guard is not None:
guard = (atom_def.guard.operators, atom_def.guard.term)
atoms[(, atom_def.arity)] = (
return TheoryParser(terms, atoms)
def parse_theory(s: str) -> TheoryParser:
Turn the given theory into a parser.
parser = None
def extract(stm):
nonlocal parser
if stm.ast_type == ASTType.TheoryDefinition:
if parser is not None:
raise ValueError("multiple theory definitions")
parser = theory_parser_from_definition(stm)
assert (
stm.ast_type == ASTType.Program
and == "base"
and not stm.parameters
parse_string(f"{s}.", extract)
if parser is None:
raise ValueError("no theory definition found")
return cast(TheoryParser, parser)
class _SymbolicAtomTransformer(Transformer):
Transforms symbolic atoms with the given function.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
def __init__(self, transformer_function: Callable[[AST], AST]):
self._transformer_function = transformer_function
def visit_SymbolicAtom(self, x: AST) -> AST:
Transform the given symbolic.
The AST to rewrite.
The rewritten AST.
term = x.symbol
new_term = self._transformer_function(term)
return x if new_term is term else SymbolicAtom(new_term)
def rewrite_symbolic_atoms(x: AST, rewrite_function: Callable[[AST], AST]) -> AST:
Rewrite all symbolic atoms in the given AST node with the given function.
The ast in which to rename symbolic atoms.
A function applied to the term representation of the symbolic atom. The
function has to return a term compatible with symbolic atoms.
The rewritten AST.
return cast(AST, _SymbolicAtomTransformer(rewrite_function)(x))
def rename_symbolic_atoms(x: AST, rename_function: Callable[[str], str]) -> AST:
Rename all symbolic atoms in the given AST node with the given function.
The ast in which to rename symbolic atoms.
A function for renaming symbols.
The rewritten AST.
def renamer(term: AST):
if term.ast_type == ASTType.UnaryOperation:
return UnaryOperation(
term.location, term.operator_type, renamer(term.argument)
if term.ast_type == ASTType.SymbolicTerm:
sym = term.symbol
new_name = rename_function(
return SymbolicTerm(
term.location, clingo.Function(new_name, sym.arguments, sym.positive)
if term.ast_type == ASTType.Function:
return Function(
term.location, rename_function(, term.arguments, term.external
return term
return rewrite_symbolic_atoms(x, renamer)
def prefix_symbolic_atoms(x: AST, prefix: str) -> AST:
Prefix all symbolic atoms in the given AST with the given string.
The ast in which to prefix symbolic atom names.
The prefix to add.
The rewritten AST.
See Also
return rename_symbolic_atoms(x, lambda s: prefix + s)
def reify_symbolic_atoms(
x: AST,
name: str,
argument_extender: Callable[[AST], Sequence[AST]] = None,
reify_strong_negation: bool = False,
) -> AST:
Reify all symbolic atoms in the given AST node with the given name and
The ast in which to rename symbolic atoms.
A string to serve as name of the new symbolic atom.
A function to provide extra arguments. If not provided, no extra
arguments are added. The term passed as argument should be placed in
the correct position.
Boolean indicating how to encode strong negation. If false, `-p(X)` is
reified as `-name(p(X))`. If true, then `-p(X)` is reified as
`name(-p(X))`. In the latter case, this means that stable models
containing both `name(p(a))` and `name(-p(a))` are possible. Clingo
style consistency can be restored by adding the constraint
`:- name(X), name(-X), X<-X.`
The rewritten AST.
def reifier(term: AST):
if term.ast_type == ASTType.UnaryOperation and not reify_strong_negation:
return UnaryOperation(
term.location, term.operator_type, reifier(term.argument)
arguments = argument_extender(term) if argument_extender else [term]
return Function(term.location, name, arguments, False)
return rewrite_symbolic_atoms(x, reifier)
def _encode(x: Any) -> Any:
assert False, f"unknown value to encode: {x}"
def _encode_str(x: str) -> str:
return x
def _encode_symbol(x: clingo.Symbol) -> str:
return str(x)
def _encode_int(x: int) -> int:
return x
def _encode_ast_seq(x: ASTSequence) -> List[Any]:
return [_encode(y) for y in x]
def _encode_str_seq(x: StrSequence) -> List[Any]:
return [_encode(y) for y in x]
def _encode_none(x: None) -> None:
return x
def _encode_ast(x: AST) -> Any:
return ast_to_dict(x)
def ast_to_dict(x: AST) -> dict:
Convert the given ast node into a dictionary representation whose elements
only involve the data structures: `dict`, `list`, `int`, and `str`.
The resulting value can be used with other Python modules like the `yaml`
or `pickle` modules.
The ast to transform.
The corresponding Python representation.
See Also
ret = {"ast_type": str(x.ast_type).replace("ASTType.", "")}
for key, val in x.items():
if key == "location":
assert isinstance(val, Location)
enc = location_to_str(val)
enc = _encode(val)
ret[key] = enc
return ret
def _decode(x: Any, key: str) -> Any:
raise RuntimeError(f"unknown key/value to decode: {key}: {x}")
def _decode_str(x: str, key: str) -> Any:
if key == "location":
return str_to_location(x)
if key == "symbol":
return clingo.parse_term(x)
assert key in ("name", "id", "code", "elements", "term", "list", "operator_name")
return x
def _decode_int(x: int, key: str) -> Any:
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
return x
def _decode_none(x: None, key: str) -> Any:
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
return x
def _decode_list(x: list, key_: str) -> Any:
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
return [_decode(y, "list") for y in x]
def _decode_dict(x: dict, key_: str) -> Any:
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
return dict_to_ast(x)
def dict_to_ast(x: dict) -> AST:
Convert the Python dict representation of an AST node into an AST node.
The Python representation of the AST.
The corresponding AST.
See Also
return getattr(ast, x["ast_type"])(
**{key: _decode(value, key) for key, value in x.items() if key != "ast_type"}
ASTPredicate = Union[Callable[[AST], bool], bool]
def _eval_predicate(predicate: ASTPredicate, arg: AST) -> bool:
if callable(predicate):
return predicate(arg)
return predicate
def _body_literal_predicate(
lit: AST,
symbolic_atom_predicate: ASTPredicate = True,
theory_atom_predicate: ASTPredicate = True,
aggregate_predicate: ASTPredicate = True,
conditional_literal_predicate: ASTPredicate = True,
signs: Container[Sign] = (Sign.NoSign, Sign.Negation, Sign.DoubleNegation),
) -> bool:
if lit.ast_type == ASTType.Literal:
atom = lit.atom
if lit.sign not in signs:
return False
if atom.ast_type == ASTType.SymbolicAtom:
return _eval_predicate(symbolic_atom_predicate, atom.symbol)
if atom.ast_type in (ASTType.Aggregate, ASTType.BodyAggregate):
return _eval_predicate(aggregate_predicate, atom)
if atom.ast_type == ASTType.TheoryAtom:
return _eval_predicate(theory_atom_predicate, atom)
elif lit.ast_type == ASTType.ConditionalLiteral:
return lit.literal.sign in signs and _eval_predicate(
conditional_literal_predicate, lit
return True
def filter_body_literals(
body: Iterable[AST],
symbolic_atom_predicate: ASTPredicate = True,
theory_atom_predicate: ASTPredicate = True,
aggregate_predicate: ASTPredicate = True,
conditional_literal_predicate: ASTPredicate = True,
signs: Container[Sign] = (Sign.NoSign, Sign.Negation, Sign.DoubleNegation),
) -> Iterable[AST]:
Filters the given body literals according to the given predicates.
An iterable of `AST`s for body literals.
Predicate to filter symbolic atoms.
Predicate to filter theory atoms.
Predicate to filter aggregates.
Predicate to filter conditional literals.
Only include literals with the given signs.
An iterarable of body literals.
An `ASTPredicate` is a callable that takes an `AST` and returns a Boolean.
Booleans `True` and `False` are also accepted, meaning that the predicate
is always `True` or `False`, respectively.
pred = partial(
return filter(pred, body)
def partition_body_literals(
body: Iterable[AST],
symbolic_atom_predicate: ASTPredicate = True,
theory_atom_predicate: ASTPredicate = True,
aggregate_predicate: ASTPredicate = True,
conditional_literal_predicate: ASTPredicate = True,
signs: Container[Sign] = (Sign.NoSign, Sign.Negation, Sign.DoubleNegation),
) -> Tuple[List[AST], List[AST]]:
Partition the given body literals according to the given predicates.
An iterable of `AST` that represents a body.
Predicate to partition symbolic atoms.
Predicate to partition theory atoms.
Predicate to partition aggregates.
Predicate to partition conditional literals.
Only include literals with the given signs in the first list.
A pair of lists of body literals. The first iterable yields the literals
that satisfy the predicate while the second one yields the ones that do
An `ASTPredicate` is a callable that takes an `AST` and returns a Boolean.
Booleans `True` and `False` are also accepted, meaning that the predicate
is always `True` or `False`, respectively.
pred = partial(
part_a: List[AST] = []
part_b: List[AST] = []
for lit in body:
if pred(lit):
return part_a, part_b
_unary_operator_map = {
"-": ast.UnaryOperator.Minus,
"~": ast.UnaryOperator.Negation,
"|": ast.UnaryOperator.Absolute,
_binary_operator_map = {
"+": ast.BinaryOperator.Plus,
"-": ast.BinaryOperator.Minus,
"*": ast.BinaryOperator.Multiplication,
"/": ast.BinaryOperator.Division,
"\\": ast.BinaryOperator.Modulo,
"**": ast.BinaryOperator.Power,
"&": ast.BinaryOperator.And,
"?": ast.BinaryOperator.Or,
"^": ast.BinaryOperator.XOr,
def _theory_term_to_term(x: AST) -> AST:
Convert a given theory term into a plain clingo term.
if x.ast_type in (ASTType.SymbolicTerm, ASTType.Variable):
return x
if x.ast_type == ASTType.TheoryFunction:
if len(x.arguments) == 1 and in _unary_operator_map:
arg = _theory_term_to_term(x.arguments[0])
uop = _unary_operator_map[]
return ast.UnaryOperation(x.location, uop, arg)
if len(x.arguments) == 2:
lhs = _theory_term_to_term(x.arguments[0])
rhs = _theory_term_to_term(x.arguments[1])
if in _binary_operator_map:
bop = _binary_operator_map[]
return ast.BinaryOperation(x.location, bop, lhs, rhs)
if == "..":
return ast.Interval(x.location, lhs, rhs)
if not is_operator(
return ast.Function(
[_theory_term_to_term(a) for a in x.arguments],
elif x.ast_type == ASTType.TheorySequence:
if x.sequence_type == ast.TheorySequenceType.Tuple:
return ast.Function(
x.location, "", [_theory_term_to_term(a) for a in x.terms], False
raise RuntimeError(f"{location_to_str(x.location)}: invalid term `{x}`")
def theory_term_to_term(x: AST, parse: bool = True) -> AST:
Convert the given theory term into a plain clingo term.
If argument `parse` is set to true, occurences of unparsed theory terms are
parsed using `clingo_term_parser()`.
if parse:
x = clingo_term_parser()(x)
return _theory_term_to_term(x)
def _build_atom(
location: ast.Location, positive: bool, name: str, arguments: List
) -> ast.AST:
Helper function to create an atom.
location -- Location to use.
positive -- Classical sign of the atom.
name -- The name of the atom.
arguments -- The arguments of the atom.
ret = ast.Function(location, name, arguments, False)
if not positive:
ret = ast.UnaryOperation(location, ast.UnaryOperator.Minus, ret)
return ast.SymbolicAtom(ret)
def negate_sign(sign: ast.Sign) -> ast.Sign:
Negate the given sign.
if sign == ast.Sign.Negation:
return ast.Sign.DoubleNegation
return ast.Sign.Negation
def _theory_term_to_literal(
x: AST, positive: bool = True, sign: ast.Sign = ast.Sign.NoSign
) -> AST:
Convert a given theory term into a symbolic clingo literal.
if x.ast_type == ASTType.TheoryFunction:
if == "-":
return _theory_term_to_literal(x.arguments[0], not positive, sign)
if == "not":
sign = negate_sign(sign)
if not positive:
sign = negate_sign(sign)
return _theory_term_to_literal(x.arguments[0], True, sign)
if not is_operator(
atom = _build_atom(
[theory_term_to_term(a) for a in x.arguments],
return ast.Literal(x.location, sign, atom)
elif (
x.ast_type == ASTType.SymbolicTerm
and x.symbol.type == clingo.SymbolType.Function
atom = _build_atom(
(positive == x.symbol.positive),,
[ast.SymbolicTerm(x.location, a) for a in x.symbol.arguments],
return ast.Literal(x.location, sign, atom)
raise RuntimeError(f"{location_to_str(x.location)}: invalid literal `{x}`")
def theory_term_to_literal(x: AST, parse: bool = True) -> AST:
Convert the given theory term into a symbolic clingo literal.
If argument `parse` is set to true, occurences of unparsed theory terms are
parsed using `clingo_literal_parser()`.
Literals can use an arbitrary number of classical and default negation
signs. They are normalized using the following equivalences:
- `- - lit = lit`
- `- not lit = not not lit`
- `not not not lit = not lit`
if parse:
x = clingo_literal_parser()(x)
return _theory_term_to_literal(x, True, ast.Sign.NoSign)
def ast_to_dict(x: AST) ‑> dict
Convert the given ast node into a dictionary representation whose elements only involve the data structures:
, andstr
.The resulting value can be used with other Python modules like the
- The ast to transform.
The corresponding Python representation.
See Also
Expand source code
def ast_to_dict(x: AST) -> dict: """ Convert the given ast node into a dictionary representation whose elements only involve the data structures: `dict`, `list`, `int`, and `str`. The resulting value can be used with other Python modules like the `yaml` or `pickle` modules. Parameters ---------- x The ast to transform. Returns ------- The corresponding Python representation. See Also -------- dict_to_ast """ ret = {"ast_type": str(x.ast_type).replace("ASTType.", "")} for key, val in x.items(): if key == "location": assert isinstance(val, Location) enc = location_to_str(val) else: enc = _encode(val) ret[key] = enc return ret
def clingo_literal_parser() ‑> TheoryTermParser
Return a theory term parser that parses theory literals similar to clingo's parser for symbolic literals.
Note that for technical reasons pools and the absolute function are not supported.
Expand source code
@lru_cache(maxsize=None) def clingo_literal_parser() -> TheoryTermParser: """ Return a theory term parser that parses theory literals similar to clingo's parser for symbolic literals. Note that for technical reasons pools and the absolute function are not supported. """ clingo_literal_table = _clingo_term_table.copy() clingo_literal_table.update( { ("-", Arity.Unary): (0, Associativity.NoAssociativity), ("not", Arity.Unary): (0, Associativity.NoAssociativity), } ) return TheoryTermParser(clingo_literal_table)
def clingo_term_parser() ‑> TheoryTermParser
Return a theory term parser that parses theory terms like clingo terms.
Note that for technical reasons pools and the absolute function are not supported.
Expand source code
@lru_cache(maxsize=None) def clingo_term_parser() -> TheoryTermParser: """ Return a theory term parser that parses theory terms like clingo terms. Note that for technical reasons pools and the absolute function are not supported. """ return TheoryTermParser(_clingo_term_table)
def dict_to_ast(x: dict) ‑> AST
Convert the Python dict representation of an AST node into an AST node.
- The Python representation of the AST.
The corresponding AST.
See Also
Expand source code
def dict_to_ast(x: dict) -> AST: """ Convert the Python dict representation of an AST node into an AST node. Parameters ---------- x The Python representation of the AST. Returns ------- The corresponding AST. See Also -------- ast_to_dict """ return getattr(ast, x["ast_type"])( **{key: _decode(value, key) for key, value in x.items() if key != "ast_type"} )
def filter_body_literals(body: Iterable[AST], symbolic_atom_predicate: Union[Callable[[AST], bool], bool] = True, theory_atom_predicate: Union[Callable[[AST], bool], bool] = True, aggregate_predicate: Union[Callable[[AST], bool], bool] = True, conditional_literal_predicate: Union[Callable[[AST], bool], bool] = True, signs: Container[Sign] = (<Sign.NoSign: 0>, <Sign.Negation: 1>, <Sign.DoubleNegation: 2>)) ‑> Iterable[AST]
Filters the given body literals according to the given predicates.
- An iterable of
s for body literals. symbolic_atom_predicate
- Predicate to filter symbolic atoms.
- Predicate to filter theory atoms.
- Predicate to filter aggregates.
- Predicate to filter conditional literals.
- Only include literals with the given signs.
An iterarable of body literals.
is a callable that takes anAST
and returns a Boolean. BooleansTrue
are also accepted, meaning that the predicate is alwaysTrue
, respectively.Expand source code
def filter_body_literals( body: Iterable[AST], symbolic_atom_predicate: ASTPredicate = True, theory_atom_predicate: ASTPredicate = True, aggregate_predicate: ASTPredicate = True, conditional_literal_predicate: ASTPredicate = True, signs: Container[Sign] = (Sign.NoSign, Sign.Negation, Sign.DoubleNegation), ) -> Iterable[AST]: """ Filters the given body literals according to the given predicates. Parameters ---------- body An iterable of `AST`s for body literals. symbolic_atom_predicate Predicate to filter symbolic atoms. theory_atom_predicate Predicate to filter theory atoms. aggregate_predicate Predicate to filter aggregates. conditional_literal_predicate Predicate to filter conditional literals. signs Only include literals with the given signs. Returns ------- An iterarable of body literals. Notes ----- An `ASTPredicate` is a callable that takes an `AST` and returns a Boolean. Booleans `True` and `False` are also accepted, meaning that the predicate is always `True` or `False`, respectively. """ pred = partial( _body_literal_predicate, symbolic_atom_predicate=symbolic_atom_predicate, theory_atom_predicate=theory_atom_predicate, aggregate_predicate=aggregate_predicate, conditional_literal_predicate=conditional_literal_predicate, signs=signs, ) return filter(pred, body)
def location_to_str(loc: Location) ‑> str
This function transfroms a loctation object into a readable string.
Colons in the location will be quoted ensuring that the resulting is parsable using
- The location to transform.
The string representation of the given location.
Expand source code
def location_to_str(loc: Location) -> str: """ This function transfroms a loctation object into a readable string. Colons in the location will be quoted ensuring that the resulting is parsable using `str_to_location`. Parameters ---------- loc The location to transform. Returns ------- The string representation of the given location. """ begin, end = loc.begin, loc.end bf, ef = _quote(begin.filename), _quote(end.filename) ret = f"{bf}:{begin.line}:{begin.column}" dash, eq = True, bf == ef if not eq: ret += f"{'-' if dash else ':'}{ef}" dash = False eq = eq and begin.line == end.line if not eq: ret += f"{'-' if dash else ':'}{end.line}" dash = False eq = eq and begin.column == end.column if not eq: ret += f"{'-' if dash else ':'}{end.column}" dash = False return ret
def negate_sign(sign: Sign) ‑> Sign
Negate the given sign.
Expand source code
def negate_sign(sign: ast.Sign) -> ast.Sign: """ Negate the given sign. """ if sign == ast.Sign.Negation: return ast.Sign.DoubleNegation return ast.Sign.Negation
def parse_theory(s: str) ‑> TheoryParser
Turn the given theory into a parser.
Expand source code
def parse_theory(s: str) -> TheoryParser: """ Turn the given theory into a parser. """ parser = None def extract(stm): nonlocal parser if stm.ast_type == ASTType.TheoryDefinition: if parser is not None: raise ValueError("multiple theory definitions") parser = theory_parser_from_definition(stm) else: assert ( stm.ast_type == ASTType.Program and == "base" and not stm.parameters ) parse_string(f"{s}.", extract) if parser is None: raise ValueError("no theory definition found") return cast(TheoryParser, parser)
def partition_body_literals(body: Iterable[AST], symbolic_atom_predicate: Union[Callable[[AST], bool], bool] = True, theory_atom_predicate: Union[Callable[[AST], bool], bool] = True, aggregate_predicate: Union[Callable[[AST], bool], bool] = True, conditional_literal_predicate: Union[Callable[[AST], bool], bool] = True, signs: Container[Sign] = (<Sign.NoSign: 0>, <Sign.Negation: 1>, <Sign.DoubleNegation: 2>)) ‑> Tuple[List[AST], List[AST]]
Partition the given body literals according to the given predicates.
- An iterable of
that represents a body. symbolic_atom_predicate
- Predicate to partition symbolic atoms.
- Predicate to partition theory atoms.
- Predicate to partition aggregates.
- Predicate to partition conditional literals.
- Only include literals with the given signs in the first list.
A pair
ofbody literals. The first iterable yields the literals
that satisfy the predicate while the second one yields the ones that do
is a callable that takes anAST
and returns a Boolean. BooleansTrue
are also accepted, meaning that the predicate is alwaysTrue
, respectively.Expand source code
def partition_body_literals( body: Iterable[AST], symbolic_atom_predicate: ASTPredicate = True, theory_atom_predicate: ASTPredicate = True, aggregate_predicate: ASTPredicate = True, conditional_literal_predicate: ASTPredicate = True, signs: Container[Sign] = (Sign.NoSign, Sign.Negation, Sign.DoubleNegation), ) -> Tuple[List[AST], List[AST]]: """ Partition the given body literals according to the given predicates. Parameters ---------- body An iterable of `AST` that represents a body. symbolic_atom_predicate Predicate to partition symbolic atoms. theory_atom_predicate Predicate to partition theory atoms. aggregate_predicate Predicate to partition aggregates. conditional_literal_predicate Predicate to partition conditional literals. signs Only include literals with the given signs in the first list. Returns ------- A pair of lists of body literals. The first iterable yields the literals that satisfy the predicate while the second one yields the ones that do not. Notes ----- An `ASTPredicate` is a callable that takes an `AST` and returns a Boolean. Booleans `True` and `False` are also accepted, meaning that the predicate is always `True` or `False`, respectively. """ pred = partial( _body_literal_predicate, symbolic_atom_predicate=symbolic_atom_predicate, theory_atom_predicate=theory_atom_predicate, aggregate_predicate=aggregate_predicate, conditional_literal_predicate=conditional_literal_predicate, signs=signs, ) part_a: List[AST] = [] part_b: List[AST] = [] for lit in body: if pred(lit): part_a.append(lit) else: part_b.append(lit) return part_a, part_b
def prefix_symbolic_atoms(x: AST, prefix: str) ‑> AST
Prefix all symbolic atoms in the given AST with the given string.
- The ast in which to prefix symbolic atom names.
- The prefix to add.
The rewritten AST.
See Also
Expand source code
def prefix_symbolic_atoms(x: AST, prefix: str) -> AST: """ Prefix all symbolic atoms in the given AST with the given string. Parameters ---------- x The ast in which to prefix symbolic atom names. prefix The prefix to add. Returns ------- The rewritten AST. See Also -------- rename_symbolic_atoms """ return rename_symbolic_atoms(x, lambda s: prefix + s)
def reify_symbolic_atoms(x: AST, name: str, argument_extender: Callable[[AST], Sequence[AST]] = None, reify_strong_negation: bool = False) ‑> AST
Reify all symbolic atoms in the given AST node with the given name and function.
- The ast in which to rename symbolic atoms.
- A string to serve as name of the new symbolic atom.
- A function to provide extra arguments. If not provided, no extra arguments are added. The term passed as argument should be placed in the correct position.
- Boolean indicating how to encode strong negation. If false,
is reified as-name(p(X))
. If true, then-p(X)
is reified asname(-p(X))
. In the latter case, this means that stable models containing bothname(p(a))
are possible. Clingo style consistency can be restored by adding the constraint:- name(X), name(-X), X<-X.
The rewritten AST.
Expand source code
def reify_symbolic_atoms( x: AST, name: str, argument_extender: Callable[[AST], Sequence[AST]] = None, reify_strong_negation: bool = False, ) -> AST: """ Reify all symbolic atoms in the given AST node with the given name and function. Parameters ---------- x The ast in which to rename symbolic atoms. name A string to serve as name of the new symbolic atom. argument_extender A function to provide extra arguments. If not provided, no extra arguments are added. The term passed as argument should be placed in the correct position. reify_strong_negation Boolean indicating how to encode strong negation. If false, `-p(X)` is reified as `-name(p(X))`. If true, then `-p(X)` is reified as `name(-p(X))`. In the latter case, this means that stable models containing both `name(p(a))` and `name(-p(a))` are possible. Clingo style consistency can be restored by adding the constraint `:- name(X), name(-X), X<-X.` Returns ------- The rewritten AST. """ def reifier(term: AST): if term.ast_type == ASTType.UnaryOperation and not reify_strong_negation: return UnaryOperation( term.location, term.operator_type, reifier(term.argument) ) arguments = argument_extender(term) if argument_extender else [term] return Function(term.location, name, arguments, False) return rewrite_symbolic_atoms(x, reifier)
def rename_symbolic_atoms(x: AST, rename_function: Callable[[str], str]) ‑> AST
Rename all symbolic atoms in the given AST node with the given function.
- The ast in which to rename symbolic atoms.
- A function for renaming symbols.
The rewritten AST.
Expand source code
def rename_symbolic_atoms(x: AST, rename_function: Callable[[str], str]) -> AST: """ Rename all symbolic atoms in the given AST node with the given function. Parameters ---------- x The ast in which to rename symbolic atoms. rename_function A function for renaming symbols. Returns ------- The rewritten AST. """ def renamer(term: AST): if term.ast_type == ASTType.UnaryOperation: return UnaryOperation( term.location, term.operator_type, renamer(term.argument) ) if term.ast_type == ASTType.SymbolicTerm: sym = term.symbol new_name = rename_function( return SymbolicTerm( term.location, clingo.Function(new_name, sym.arguments, sym.positive) ) if term.ast_type == ASTType.Function: return Function( term.location, rename_function(, term.arguments, term.external ) return term return rewrite_symbolic_atoms(x, renamer)
def str_to_location(loc: str) ‑> Location
This function parses a location from its string representation.
- The string to parse.
The parsed location.
See Also
Expand source code
def str_to_location(loc: str) -> Location: """ This function parses a location from its string representation. Parameters ---------- loc The string to parse. Returns ------- The parsed location. See Also -------- location_to_str """ m = fullmatch( r"(?P<bf>([^\\:]|\\\\|\\:)*):(?P<bl>[0-9]*):(?P<bc>[0-9]+)" r"(-(((?P<ef>([^\\:]|\\\\|\\:)*):)?(?P<el>[0-9]*):)?(?P<ec>[0-9]+))?", loc, ) if not m: raise RuntimeError("could not parse location") begin = Position(_unquote(m["bf"]), int(m["bl"]), int(m["bc"])) end = Position( _unquote(_s(m, "bf", "ef")), int(_s(m, "bl", "el")), int(_s(m, "bc", "ec")) ) return Location(begin, end)
def theory_parser_from_definition(x: AST) ‑> TheoryParser
Turn an AST node of type TheoryDefinition into a TheoryParser.
- An AST representing a theory definition.
The corresponding
.Expand source code
def theory_parser_from_definition(x: AST) -> TheoryParser: """ Turn an AST node of type TheoryDefinition into a TheoryParser. Parameters ---------- x An AST representing a theory definition. Returns ------- The corresponding `TheoryParser`. """ assert x.ast_type == ASTType.TheoryDefinition terms = {} atoms = {} for term_def in x.terms: term_table = {} for op_def in term_def.operators: op_assoc: Associativity if op_def.operator_type == TheoryOperatorType.BinaryLeft: op_type = Arity.Binary op_assoc = Associativity.Left elif op_def.operator_type == TheoryOperatorType.BinaryRight: op_type = Arity.Binary op_assoc = Associativity.Right else: op_type = Arity.Unary op_assoc = Associativity.NoAssociativity term_table[(, op_type)] = (op_def.priority, op_assoc) terms[] = term_table for atom_def in x.atoms: guard = None if atom_def.guard is not None: guard = (atom_def.guard.operators, atom_def.guard.term) atoms[(, atom_def.arity)] = ( atom_def.atom_type, atom_def.term, guard, ) return TheoryParser(terms, atoms)
def theory_term_to_literal(x: AST, parse: bool = True) ‑> AST
Convert the given theory term into a symbolic clingo literal.
If argument
is set to true, occurences of unparsed theory terms are parsed usingclingo_literal_parser()
.Literals can use an arbitrary number of classical and default negation signs. They are normalized using the following equivalences:
- - lit = lit
- not lit = not not lit
not not not lit = not lit
Expand source code
def theory_term_to_literal(x: AST, parse: bool = True) -> AST: """ Convert the given theory term into a symbolic clingo literal. If argument `parse` is set to true, occurences of unparsed theory terms are parsed using `clingo_literal_parser()`. Literals can use an arbitrary number of classical and default negation signs. They are normalized using the following equivalences: - `- - lit = lit` - `- not lit = not not lit` - `not not not lit = not lit` """ if parse: x = clingo_literal_parser()(x) return _theory_term_to_literal(x, True, ast.Sign.NoSign)
def theory_term_to_term(x: AST, parse: bool = True) ‑> AST
Convert the given theory term into a plain clingo term.
If argument
is set to true, occurences of unparsed theory terms are parsed usingclingo_term_parser()
.Expand source code
def theory_term_to_term(x: AST, parse: bool = True) -> AST: """ Convert the given theory term into a plain clingo term. If argument `parse` is set to true, occurences of unparsed theory terms are parsed using `clingo_term_parser()`. """ if parse: x = clingo_term_parser()(x) return _theory_term_to_term(x)
class Arity (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
Enumeration of operator arities.
Expand source code
class Arity(Enum): """ Enumeration of operator arities. """ # pylint:disable=invalid-name Unary = 1 Binary = 2
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var Binary
var Unary
class Associativity (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
Enumeration of operator associativities.
Expand source code
class Associativity(Enum): """ Enumeration of operator associativities. """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name Left = auto() Right = auto() NoAssociativity = auto()
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var Left
var NoAssociativity
var Right
class TheoryParser (terms: Mapping[str, Union[Mapping[Tuple[str, Arity], Tuple[int, Associativity]], TheoryTermParser]], atoms: Mapping[Tuple[str, int], Tuple[TheoryAtomType, str, Optional[Tuple[List[str], str]]]])
This class parses theory atoms in the same way as clingo's internal parser.
- Mapping from term identifiers to
s. If an operator table is given, theTheoryTermParser
is constructed from this table. atoms
- Mapping from atom name/arity pairs to tuples defining the acceptable structure of the theory atom.
Expand source code
class TheoryParser(Transformer): """ This class parses theory atoms in the same way as clingo's internal parser. Parameters ---------- terms Mapping from term identifiers to `TheoryTermParser`s. If an operator table is given, the `TheoryTermParser` is constructed from this table. atoms Mapping from atom name/arity pairs to tuples defining the acceptable structure of the theory atom. """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name _table: Mapping[ Tuple[str, int], Tuple[ TheoryAtomType, TheoryTermParser, Optional[Tuple[Set[str], TheoryTermParser]], ], ] _in_body: bool _in_head: bool _is_directive: bool def __init__( self, terms: Mapping[str, Union[OperatorTable, TheoryTermParser]], atoms: AtomTable, ): self._reset() term_parsers = {} for term_key, parser in terms.items(): if isinstance(parser, TheoryTermParser): term_parsers[term_key] = parser else: term_parsers[term_key] = TheoryTermParser(parser) self._table = {} for atom_key, (atom_type, term_key, guard) in atoms.items(): guard_table = None if guard is not None: guard_table = (set(guard[0]), term_parsers[guard[1]]) self._table[atom_key] = (atom_type, term_parsers[term_key], guard_table) def _reset(self, in_head=True, in_body=True, is_directive=True): """ Set state information about active scope. """ self._in_head = in_head self._in_body = in_body self._is_directive = is_directive def _visit_body(self, x: AST) -> AST: try: self._reset(False, True, False) old = x.body new = self.visit_sequence(old) return x if new is old else x.update(body=new) finally: self._reset() def visit_Rule(self, x: AST) -> AST: """ Parse theory atoms in body and head. Parameters ---------- x The AST to rewrite. Returns ------- The rewritten AST. """ ret = self._visit_body(x) try: self._reset(True, False, not x.body) head = self(x.head) if head is not x.head: if ret is x: ret = copy(ret) ret.head = head finally: self._reset() return ret def visit_ShowTerm(self, x: AST) -> AST: """ Parse theory atoms in body. Parameters ---------- x The AST to rewrite. Returns ------- The rewritten AST. """ return self._visit_body(x) def visit_Minimize(self, x: AST) -> AST: """ Parse theory atoms in body. Parameters ---------- x The AST to rewrite. Returns ------- The rewritten AST. """ return self._visit_body(x) def visit_Edge(self, x: AST) -> AST: """ Parse theory atoms in body. Parameters ---------- x The AST to rewrite. Returns ------- The rewritten AST. """ return self._visit_body(x) def visit_Heuristic(self, x: AST) -> AST: """ Parse theory atoms in body. Parameters ---------- x The AST to rewrite. Returns ------- The rewritten AST. """ return self._visit_body(x) def visit_ProjectAtom(self, x: AST) -> AST: """ Parse theory atoms in body. Parameters ---------- x The AST to rewrite. Returns ------- The rewritten AST. """ return self._visit_body(x) def visit_TheoryAtom(self, x: AST) -> AST: """ Parse the given theory atom. Parameters ---------- x The AST to rewrite. Returns ------- The rewritten AST. """ name = arity = len(x.term.arguments) if (name, arity) not in self._table: raise RuntimeError( f"theory atom definiton not found: {location_to_str(x.location)}" ) type_, element_parser, guard_table = self._table[(name, arity)] if type_ == TheoryAtomType.Head and not self._in_head: raise RuntimeError( f"theory atom only accepted in head: {location_to_str(x.location)}" ) if type_ == TheoryAtomType.Body and not self._in_body: raise RuntimeError( f"theory atom only accepted in body: {location_to_str(x.location)}" ) if type_ == TheoryAtomType.Directive and not ( self._in_head and self._is_directive ): raise RuntimeError( f"theory atom must be a directive: {location_to_str(x.location)}" ) x = copy(x) x.term = element_parser(x.term) x.elements = element_parser.visit_sequence(x.elements) if x.guard is not None: if guard_table is None: raise RuntimeError( f"unexpected guard in theory atom: {location_to_str(x.location)}" ) guards, guard_parser = guard_table if x.guard.operator_name not in guards: raise RuntimeError( f"unexpected guard in theory atom: {location_to_str(x.location)}" ) x.guard = copy(x.guard) x.guard.term = guard_parser(x.guard.term) return x
def visit_Edge(self, x: AST) ‑> AST
Parse theory atoms in body.
- The AST to rewrite.
The rewritten AST.
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def visit_Edge(self, x: AST) -> AST: """ Parse theory atoms in body. Parameters ---------- x The AST to rewrite. Returns ------- The rewritten AST. """ return self._visit_body(x)
def visit_Heuristic(self, x: AST) ‑> AST
Parse theory atoms in body.
- The AST to rewrite.
The rewritten AST.
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def visit_Heuristic(self, x: AST) -> AST: """ Parse theory atoms in body. Parameters ---------- x The AST to rewrite. Returns ------- The rewritten AST. """ return self._visit_body(x)
def visit_Minimize(self, x: AST) ‑> AST
Parse theory atoms in body.
- The AST to rewrite.
The rewritten AST.
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def visit_Minimize(self, x: AST) -> AST: """ Parse theory atoms in body. Parameters ---------- x The AST to rewrite. Returns ------- The rewritten AST. """ return self._visit_body(x)
def visit_ProjectAtom(self, x: AST) ‑> AST
Parse theory atoms in body.
- The AST to rewrite.
The rewritten AST.
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def visit_ProjectAtom(self, x: AST) -> AST: """ Parse theory atoms in body. Parameters ---------- x The AST to rewrite. Returns ------- The rewritten AST. """ return self._visit_body(x)
def visit_Rule(self, x: AST) ‑> AST
Parse theory atoms in body and head.
- The AST to rewrite.
The rewritten AST.
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def visit_Rule(self, x: AST) -> AST: """ Parse theory atoms in body and head. Parameters ---------- x The AST to rewrite. Returns ------- The rewritten AST. """ ret = self._visit_body(x) try: self._reset(True, False, not x.body) head = self(x.head) if head is not x.head: if ret is x: ret = copy(ret) ret.head = head finally: self._reset() return ret
def visit_ShowTerm(self, x: AST) ‑> AST
Parse theory atoms in body.
- The AST to rewrite.
The rewritten AST.
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def visit_ShowTerm(self, x: AST) -> AST: """ Parse theory atoms in body. Parameters ---------- x The AST to rewrite. Returns ------- The rewritten AST. """ return self._visit_body(x)
def visit_TheoryAtom(self, x: AST) ‑> AST
Parse the given theory atom.
- The AST to rewrite.
The rewritten AST.
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def visit_TheoryAtom(self, x: AST) -> AST: """ Parse the given theory atom. Parameters ---------- x The AST to rewrite. Returns ------- The rewritten AST. """ name = arity = len(x.term.arguments) if (name, arity) not in self._table: raise RuntimeError( f"theory atom definiton not found: {location_to_str(x.location)}" ) type_, element_parser, guard_table = self._table[(name, arity)] if type_ == TheoryAtomType.Head and not self._in_head: raise RuntimeError( f"theory atom only accepted in head: {location_to_str(x.location)}" ) if type_ == TheoryAtomType.Body and not self._in_body: raise RuntimeError( f"theory atom only accepted in body: {location_to_str(x.location)}" ) if type_ == TheoryAtomType.Directive and not ( self._in_head and self._is_directive ): raise RuntimeError( f"theory atom must be a directive: {location_to_str(x.location)}" ) x = copy(x) x.term = element_parser(x.term) x.elements = element_parser.visit_sequence(x.elements) if x.guard is not None: if guard_table is None: raise RuntimeError( f"unexpected guard in theory atom: {location_to_str(x.location)}" ) guards, guard_parser = guard_table if x.guard.operator_name not in guards: raise RuntimeError( f"unexpected guard in theory atom: {location_to_str(x.location)}" ) x.guard = copy(x.guard) x.guard.term = guard_parser(x.guard.term) return x
Inherited members
class TheoryTermParser (table: Union[Mapping[Tuple[str, Arity], Tuple[int, Associativity]], TheoryUnparsedTermParser])
Parser for theory terms in clingo's AST that works like the inbuilt one.
This is implemented as a transformer that traverses the AST replacing all terms found.
- This must either be a table of operators or a
See Also
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class TheoryTermParser(Transformer): """ Parser for theory terms in clingo's AST that works like the inbuilt one. This is implemented as a transformer that traverses the AST replacing all terms found. Parameters ---------- table This must either be a table of operators or a `TheoryUnparsedTermParser`. See Also -------- TheoryUnparsedTermParser """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name def __init__(self, table: Union[OperatorTable, TheoryUnparsedTermParser]): self._parser = ( table if isinstance(table, TheoryUnparsedTermParser) else TheoryUnparsedTermParser(table) ) def visit_TheoryFunction(self, x) -> AST: """ Parse the theory function and check if it agrees with the grammar. Parameters ---------- x The AST to rewrite. Returns ------- The rewritten AST. """ arity = None if len(x.arguments) == 1: arity = Arity.Unary if len(x.arguments) == 2: arity = Arity.Binary if arity is not None and is_operator( self._parser.check_operator(, arity, x.location) return x.update(**self.visit_children(x)) def visit_TheoryUnparsedTerm(self, x: AST) -> AST: """ Parse the given unparsed term. Parameters ---------- x The AST to rewrite. Returns ------- The rewritten AST. """ return cast(AST, self(self._parser.parse(x)))
def visit_TheoryFunction(self, x) ‑> AST
Parse the theory function and check if it agrees with the grammar.
- The AST to rewrite.
The rewritten AST.
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def visit_TheoryFunction(self, x) -> AST: """ Parse the theory function and check if it agrees with the grammar. Parameters ---------- x The AST to rewrite. Returns ------- The rewritten AST. """ arity = None if len(x.arguments) == 1: arity = Arity.Unary if len(x.arguments) == 2: arity = Arity.Binary if arity is not None and is_operator( self._parser.check_operator(, arity, x.location) return x.update(**self.visit_children(x))
def visit_TheoryUnparsedTerm(self, x: AST) ‑> AST
Parse the given unparsed term.
- The AST to rewrite.
The rewritten AST.
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def visit_TheoryUnparsedTerm(self, x: AST) -> AST: """ Parse the given unparsed term. Parameters ---------- x The AST to rewrite. Returns ------- The rewritten AST. """ return cast(AST, self(self._parser.parse(x)))
Inherited members
class TheoryUnparsedTermParser (table: Mapping[Tuple[str, Arity], Tuple[int, Associativity]])
Parser for unparsed theory terms in clingo's AST that works like the inbuilt one.
Note that associativity for unary operators is ignored and binary operators must use either
- Mapping of operator/arity pairs to priority/associativity pairs.
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class TheoryUnparsedTermParser: """ Parser for unparsed theory terms in clingo's AST that works like the inbuilt one. Note that associativity for unary operators is ignored and binary operators must use either `Associativity.Left` or `Associativity.Right`. Parameters ---------- table Mapping of operator/arity pairs to priority/associativity pairs. """ _stack: List[Tuple[str, Arity]] _terms: List[AST] _table: OperatorTable def __init__(self, table: OperatorTable): self._stack = [] self._terms = [] self._table = table def _priority_and_associativity(self, operator: str) -> Tuple[int, Associativity]: """ Get priority and associativity of the given binary operator. """ return self._table[(operator, Arity.Binary)] def _priority(self, operator: str, arity: Arity) -> int: """ Get priority of the given unary or binary operator. """ return self._table[(operator, arity)][0] def _check(self, operator: str) -> bool: """ Returns true if the stack has to be reduced because of the precedence of the given binary operator is lower than the preceeding operator on the stack. """ if not self._stack: return False priority, associativity = self._priority_and_associativity(operator) previous_priority = self._priority(*self._stack[-1]) return previous_priority > priority or ( previous_priority == priority and associativity == Associativity.Left ) def _reduce(self) -> None: """ Combines the last unary or binary term on the stack. """ b = self._terms.pop() operator, arity = self._stack.pop() if arity == Arity.Unary: self._terms.append(TheoryFunction(b.location, operator, [b])) else: a = self._terms.pop() loc = Location(a.location.begin, b.location.end) self._terms.append(TheoryFunction(loc, operator, [a, b])) def check_operator(self, operator: str, arity: Arity, location: Location) -> None: """ Check if the given operator is in the parse table raising a runtime error if absent. Parameters ---------- operator The operator name. arity The arity of the operator. location Location of the operator for error reporting. """ if (operator, arity) not in self._table: raise RuntimeError( f"cannot parse operator `{operator}`: {location_to_str(location)}" ) def parse(self, x: AST) -> AST: """ Parses the given unparsed term, replacing it by nested theory functions. Parameters ---------- x The AST to parse. Returns ------- The rewritten AST. """ del self._stack[:] del self._terms[:] arity = Arity.Unary for element in x.elements: for operator in element.operators: self.check_operator(operator, arity, x.location) while arity == Arity.Binary and self._check(operator): self._reduce() self._stack.append((operator, arity)) arity = Arity.Unary self._terms.append(element.term) arity = Arity.Binary while self._stack: self._reduce() return self._terms[0]
def check_operator(self, operator: str, arity: Arity, location: Location) ‑> None
Check if the given operator is in the parse table raising a runtime error if absent.
- The operator name.
- The arity of the operator.
- Location of the operator for error reporting.
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def check_operator(self, operator: str, arity: Arity, location: Location) -> None: """ Check if the given operator is in the parse table raising a runtime error if absent. Parameters ---------- operator The operator name. arity The arity of the operator. location Location of the operator for error reporting. """ if (operator, arity) not in self._table: raise RuntimeError( f"cannot parse operator `{operator}`: {location_to_str(location)}" )
def parse(self, x: AST) ‑> AST
Parses the given unparsed term, replacing it by nested theory functions.
- The AST to parse.
The rewritten AST.
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def parse(self, x: AST) -> AST: """ Parses the given unparsed term, replacing it by nested theory functions. Parameters ---------- x The AST to parse. Returns ------- The rewritten AST. """ del self._stack[:] del self._terms[:] arity = Arity.Unary for element in x.elements: for operator in element.operators: self.check_operator(operator, arity, x.location) while arity == Arity.Binary and self._check(operator): self._reduce() self._stack.append((operator, arity)) arity = Arity.Unary self._terms.append(element.term) arity = Arity.Binary while self._stack: self._reduce() return self._terms[0]