Module clintest.test
The abstract class Test
and off-the-shelf test implementations.
class And (*args: Test, short_circuit: bool = True, ignore_certain: bool = True)
The conjunction of a list given tests. This test succeeds if all
- The
s to be combined. short_circuit
- Whether this test should employ short circuit optimization, i.e., abort all remaining tests once the outcome of a test is certainly false.
- Whether this test should employ the ignore certain optimization, i.e., not send artifacts to test that are already certain.
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class And(Test): """ The conjunction of a list given tests. This test succeeds if all `args` succeed. Parameters ---------- args The `Test`s to be combined. short_circuit Whether this test should employ short circuit optimization, i.e., abort all remaining tests once the outcome of a test is certainly false. ignore_certain Whether this test should employ the ignore certain optimization, i.e., not send artifacts to test that are already certain. """ def __init__( self, *args: Test, short_circuit: bool = True, ignore_certain: bool = True ) -> None: self.__operands = list(args) self.__short_circuit = short_circuit self.__ignore_certain = ignore_certain self.__ongoing = list(args) self.__outcome = Outcome(True, False) def call_operand(_operand: Test) -> None: pass self.__on_whatever(call_operand) def __repr__(self): name = self.__class__.__name__ operands = ", ".join(repr(operand) for operand in self.__operands) short_circuit = repr(self.__short_circuit) ignore_certain = repr(self.__ignore_certain) ongoing = repr(self.__ongoing) outcome = repr(self.__outcome) return ( f"{name}(" f"{operands}, " f"short_circuit={short_circuit}, " f"ignore_certain={ignore_certain}, " f"__ongoing={ongoing}, " f"__outcome={outcome})" ) def __str__(self): if self.__operands: operands = "" width = len(str(len(self.__operands) - 1)) for i, operand in enumerate(self.__operands): i = str(i) operands += os.linesep operands += (width - len(i)) * " " operands += [" ", "*"][operand in self.__ongoing] operands += f"{i}: {operand}" operands = indent(operands, 8 * ' ') else: operands = " <none>" return os.linesep.join([ f"[{self.outcome()}] {self.__class__.__name__} ", f" operands:{operands}", f" short_circuit: {self.__short_circuit}", f" ignore_certain: {self.__ignore_certain}", ]) def __on_whatever(self, call_operand: Callable[[Test], None]) -> bool: still_ongoing = [] for operand in self.__ongoing: call_operand(operand) if operand.outcome().is_certainly_false(): if self.__short_circuit: self.__ongoing = [] self.__outcome = Outcome(False, True) return False else: self.__outcome = Outcome(False, False) if not (self.__ignore_certain and operand.outcome().is_certain()): still_ongoing.append(operand) self.__ongoing = still_ongoing self.__outcome = Outcome(self.__outcome.current_value(), not bool(still_ongoing)) return not self.__outcome.is_certain() def on_model(self, model: Model) -> bool: def call_operand(operand: Test) -> None: operand.on_model(model) return self.__on_whatever(call_operand) def on_unsat(self, lower_bound: Sequence[int]) -> None: def call_operand(operand: Test) -> None: operand.on_unsat(lower_bound) self.__on_whatever(call_operand) def on_core(self, core: Sequence[int]) -> None: def call_operand(operand: Test) -> None: operand.on_core(core) self.__on_whatever(call_operand) def on_statistics(self, step: StatisticsMap, accumulated: StatisticsMap) -> None: def call_operand(operand: Test) -> None: operand.on_statistics(step, accumulated) self.__on_whatever(call_operand) def on_finish(self, result: SolveResult) -> None: def call_operand(operand: Test) -> None: operand.on_finish(result) ignore_certain_bck = self.__ignore_certain self.__ignore_certain = True self.__on_whatever(call_operand) self.__ignore_certain = ignore_certain_bck assert not self.__ongoing assert self.__outcome.is_certain() def outcome(self) -> Outcome: return self.__outcome
- Test
- abc.ABC
Inherited members
class Assert (quantifier: Quantifier, assertion: Assertion)
A test that asserts certain properties about the
s of a program. This test can be highly costumized using aQuantifier
and aAssertion
- The
used with this test. assertion
- The
used with this test.
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class Assert(Test): """ A test that asserts certain properties about the `clingo.model.Model`s of a program. This test can be highly costumized using a `clintest.quantifier.Quantifier` and a `clintest.assertion.Assertion`. Parameters ---------- quantifier The `clintest.quantifier.Quantifier` used with this test. assertion The `clintest.assertion.Assertion` used with this test. """ def __init__(self, quantifier: Quantifier, assertion: Assertion) -> None: self.__quantifier = quantifier self.__assertion = assertion def __repr__(self): name = self.__class__.__name__ quantifier = repr(self.__quantifier) assertion = repr(self.__assertion) return f"{name}({quantifier}, {assertion})" def __str__(self): return os.linesep.join([ f"[{self.outcome()}] {self.__class__.__name__}", f" quantifier: {self.__quantifier}", f" assertion: {self.__assertion}", ]) def on_model(self, model: Model) -> bool: if not self.__quantifier.outcome().is_certain(): self.__quantifier.consume(self.__assertion.holds_for(model)) return not self.__quantifier.outcome().is_certain() def on_finish(self, result: SolveResult) -> None: self.__quantifier = Finished(self.__quantifier) def outcome(self) -> Outcome: return self.__quantifier.outcome()
- Test
- abc.ABC
Inherited members
class Context (test: Test, str_: Callable[[Test], str] = builtins.str, repr_: Callable[[Test], str] = <built-in function repr>)
A test that behaves identical to a given other
but permits changes to its string representation. This can be helpful to create human-readable error messages.Parameters
- A
that determines how this test should behave.
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class Context(Test): """ A test that behaves identical to a given other `test` but permits changes to its string representation. This can be helpful to create human-readable error messages. Parameters ---------- test A `Test` that determines how this test should behave. """ def __init__( self, test: Test, str_: Callable[[Test], str] = str, repr_: Callable[[Test], str] = repr, ): self.test: Test = test self.__str = str_ self.__repr = repr_ def __repr__(self): return self.__repr(self.test) def __str__(self): return self.__str(self.test) def on_model(self, model: Model) -> bool: return self.test.on_model(model) def on_unsat(self, lower_bound: Sequence[int]) -> None: self.test.on_unsat(lower_bound) def on_core(self, core: Sequence[int]) -> None: self.test.on_core(core) def on_statistics(self, step: StatisticsMap, accumulated: StatisticsMap) -> None: self.test.on_statistics(step, accumulated) def on_finish(self, result: SolveResult) -> None: self.test.on_finish(result) def outcome(self) -> Outcome: return self.test.outcome()
- Test
- abc.ABC
Inherited members
class False_ (lazy: bool = True)
The test which always failes.
- Whether this test should be lazy, i.e., not consume any models.
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class False_(Test): """ The test which always failes. Parameters ---------- lazy Whether this test should be lazy, i.e., not consume any models. """ def __init__(self, lazy: bool = True) -> None: self.__outcome = Outcome(False, lazy) def __repr__(self): name = self.__class__.__name__ outcome = repr(self.__outcome) return f"{name}(__outcome={outcome})" def __str__(self): return f"[{self.__outcome}] {self.__class__.__name__}" def on_model(self, _model: Model) -> bool: return not self.__outcome.is_certain() def on_finish(self, result: SolveResult) -> None: self.__outcome = Outcome(False, True) def outcome(self) -> Outcome: return self.__outcome
- Test
- abc.ABC
Inherited members
class Not (operand: Test)
The negation of a given test. This test failes if
succeeds and vice versa.Parameters
- The
to be negated.
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class Not(Test): """ The negation of a given test. This test failes if `operand` succeeds and vice versa. Parameters ---------- operand The `Test` to be negated. """ def __init__(self, operand: Test) -> None: self.__operand = operand def __repr__(self): name = self.__class__.__name__ operand = repr(self.__operand) return f"{name}({operand})" def __str__(self): return os.linesep.join([ f"[{self.outcome()}] {self.__class__.__name__}", f" operand: {indent(str(self.__operand), 4 * ' ')[4:]}", ]) def on_model(self, model: Model) -> bool: return self.__operand.on_model(model) def on_unsat(self, lower_bound: Sequence[int]) -> None: self.__operand.on_unsat(lower_bound) def on_core(self, core: Sequence[int]) -> None: self.__operand.on_core(core) def on_statistics(self, step: StatisticsMap, accumulated: StatisticsMap) -> None: self.__operand.on_statistics(step, accumulated) def on_finish(self, result: SolveResult) -> None: self.__operand.on_finish(result) def outcome(self) -> Outcome: outcome = self.__operand.outcome() return Outcome(not outcome.current_value(), outcome.is_certain())
- Test
- abc.ABC
Inherited members
class Or (*args: Test, short_circuit: bool = True, ignore_certain: bool = True)
The disjunction of a list given tests. This test succeeds if any
- The
s to be combined. short_circuit
- Whether this test should employ short circuit optimization, i.e., abort all remaining tests once the outcome of a test is certainly true.
- Whether this test should employ the ignore certain optimization, i.e., not send artifacts to test that are already certain.
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class Or(Test): """ The disjunction of a list given tests. This test succeeds if any `args` succeed. Parameters ---------- args The `Test`s to be combined. short_circuit Whether this test should employ short circuit optimization, i.e., abort all remaining tests once the outcome of a test is certainly true. ignore_certain Whether this test should employ the ignore certain optimization, i.e., not send artifacts to test that are already certain. """ def __init__( self, *args: Test, short_circuit: bool = True, ignore_certain: bool = True ) -> None: self.__operands = list(args) self.__short_circuit = short_circuit self.__ignore_certain = ignore_certain self.__ongoing = list(args) self.__outcome = Outcome(False, False) def call_operand(_operand: Test) -> None: pass self.__on_whatever(call_operand) def __repr__(self): name = self.__class__.__name__ operands = ", ".join(repr(operand) for operand in self.__operands) short_circuit = repr(self.__short_circuit) ignore_certain = repr(self.__ignore_certain) ongoing = repr(self.__ongoing) outcome = repr(self.__outcome) return ( f"{name}(" f"{operands}, " f"short_circuit={short_circuit}, " f"ignore_certain={ignore_certain}, " f"__ongoing={ongoing}, " f"__outcome={outcome})" ) def __str__(self): if self.__operands: operands = "" width = len(str(len(self.__operands) - 1)) for i, operand in enumerate(self.__operands): i = str(i) operands += os.linesep operands += (width - len(i)) * " " operands += [" ", "*"][operand in self.__ongoing] operands += f"{i}: {operand}" operands = indent(operands, 8 * ' ') else: operands = " <none>" return os.linesep.join([ f"[{self.outcome()}] {self.__class__.__name__} ", f" operands:{operands}", f" short_circuit: {self.__short_circuit}", f" ignore_certain: {self.__ignore_certain}", ]) def __on_whatever(self, call_operand: Callable[[Test], None]) -> bool: still_ongoing = [] for operand in self.__ongoing: call_operand(operand) if operand.outcome().is_certainly_true(): if self.__short_circuit: self.__ongoing = [] self.__outcome = Outcome(True, True) return False else: self.__outcome = Outcome(True, False) if not (self.__ignore_certain and operand.outcome().is_certain()): still_ongoing.append(operand) self.__ongoing = still_ongoing self.__outcome = Outcome(self.__outcome.current_value(), not bool(still_ongoing)) return not self.__outcome.is_certain() def on_model(self, model: Model) -> bool: def call_operand(operand: Test) -> None: operand.on_model(model) return self.__on_whatever(call_operand) def on_unsat(self, lower_bound: Sequence[int]) -> None: def call_operand(operand: Test) -> None: operand.on_unsat(lower_bound) self.__on_whatever(call_operand) def on_core(self, core: Sequence[int]) -> None: def call_operand(operand: Test) -> None: operand.on_core(core) self.__on_whatever(call_operand) def on_statistics(self, step: StatisticsMap, accumulated: StatisticsMap) -> None: def call_operand(operand: Test) -> None: operand.on_statistics(step, accumulated) self.__on_whatever(call_operand) def on_finish(self, result: SolveResult) -> None: def call_operand(operand: Test) -> None: operand.on_finish(result) ignore_certain_bck = self.__ignore_certain self.__ignore_certain = True self.__on_whatever(call_operand) self.__ignore_certain = ignore_certain_bck assert not self.__ongoing assert self.__outcome.is_certain() def outcome(self) -> Outcome: return self.__outcome
- Test
- abc.ABC
Inherited members
class Record (test: Test = True_(__outcome=Outcome(True, False)))
A test that behaves identical to a given other
but records any call to one of itson_*
-methods. This can be very helpful for debugging.Parameters
- A
that determines how this test should behave.
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class Record(Test): """ A test that behaves identical to a given other `test` but records any call to one of its `on_*`-methods. This can be very helpful for debugging. Parameters ---------- test A `Test` that determines how this test should behave. """ def __init__(self, test: Test = True_(lazy = False)): self.test: Test = test self.recording: Recording = Recording([{ "__f": "__init__", "__outcome": self.outcome(), }]) def __repr__(self): name = self.__class__.__name__ test = repr(self.test) recording = repr(self.recording) return f"{name}(test={test}, recording={recording})" def __str__(self): return os.linesep.join([ f"[{self.outcome()}] {self.__class__.__name__}", f" test: {indent(str(self.test), 4 * ' ')[4:]}", " recording:", indent(str(self.recording), 8 * " "), ]) def on_model(self, model: Model) -> bool: self.recording.append({ "__f": "on_model", "str(model)": str(model), }) result = self.test.on_model(model) self.recording.amend({ "__result": result, "__outcome": self.outcome(), }) return result def on_unsat(self, lower_bound: Sequence[int]) -> None: self.recording.append({ "__f": "on_unsat", "lower_bound": lower_bound, }) self.test.on_unsat(lower_bound) self.recording.amend({"__outcome": self.outcome()}) def on_core(self, core: Sequence[int]) -> None: self.recording.append({ "__f": "on_core", "core": core, }) self.test.on_core(core) self.recording.amend({"__outcome": self.outcome()}) def on_statistics(self, step: StatisticsMap, accumulated: StatisticsMap) -> None: self.recording.append({ "__f": "on_statistics", "step": step, "accumulated": accumulated, }) self.test.on_statistics(step, accumulated) self.recording.amend({"__outcome": self.outcome()}) def on_finish(self, result: SolveResult) -> None: self.recording.append({ "__f": "on_finish", "result": result, }) self.test.on_finish(result) self.recording.amend({"__outcome": self.outcome()}) def outcome(self) -> Outcome: return self.test.outcome()
- Test
- abc.ABC
Inherited members
class Recording (entries: Optional[Sequence[Dict[str, Any]]] = None)
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class Recording: """ A recording of the calls to the `on_*`-methods of a `Test`. This class is mainly used inside of `Record`. """ def __init__(self, entries: Optional[Sequence[Dict[str, Any]]] = None): if entries is None: entries = [] self.__entries = list(entries) def __repr__(self): name = self.__class__.__name__ return f"{name}({self.__entries})" def __str__(self): def fmt(entry): result = f"[{entry['__outcome']}] {entry['__f']}" if entry['__f'] == "on_model": result += os.linesep + 4 * " " + entry['str(model)'] return result width = len(str(len(self.__entries) - 1)) return os.linesep.join(( f"{(width - len(str(i))) * ' '}{i}: {fmt(entry)}" for i, entry in enumerate(self.__entries) )) def __eq__(self, other): # pylint: disable=protected-access return self.__entries == other.__entries def amend(self, changes: Dict[str, Any]): """ Update the last entry of this encoding. Parameters ---------- changes The changes. """ self.__entries[-1].update(changes) def append(self, entry: Dict[str, Any]): """ Append a new entry at the end of this recording. Parameters ---------- entry The entry. """ self.__entries.append(entry) def subsumes(self, other) -> bool: """ Determine whether this recording subsumes another recording. Parameters ---------- other The other recording. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access return len(self.__entries) == len(other.__entries) and all( all(item in other_entry.items() for item in self_entry.items()) for self_entry, other_entry in zip(self.__entries, other.__entries) )
def amend(self, changes: Dict[str, Any])
Update the last entry of this encoding.
- The changes.
def append(self, entry: Dict[str, Any])
Append a new entry at the end of this recording.
- The entry.
def subsumes(self, other) ‑> bool
Determine whether this recording subsumes another recording.
- The other recording.
class Test
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class Test(ABC): """ An abstract test consuming the artifacts of a `clintest.solver.Solver` in order to compute an `clintest.outcome.Outcome`. """ def on_model(self, _model: Model) -> bool: """ Consume a `clingo.model.Model` and possibly alter the current outcome of this test. Parameters ---------- model The `clingo.model.Model` to consume. Returns ------- Whether further models a needed to decide this test. """ return True def on_unsat(self, lower_bound: Sequence[int]) -> None: """ Consume a `lower_bound` during optimization and possibly alter the current outcome of this test. Parameters ---------- lower_bound The lower bound. """ def on_core(self, core: Sequence[int]) -> None: """ Consume an unsat `core` and possibly alter the current outcome of this test. Parameters ---------- core The unsat core. """ def on_statistics(self, step: StatisticsMap, accumulated: StatisticsMap) -> None: """ Consume the solving statistics and possibly alter the current outcome of this test. Parameters ---------- step The step statistics. accumulated The accumulated statistics. """ @abstractmethod def on_finish(self, result: SolveResult) -> None: """ Consume the final solve result and possibly alter the current outcome of this test. This should be the last `on_*`-method ever called on a test. Afterwards the outcome must be certain. Parameters ---------- result The `clingo.solving.SolveResult`. """ @abstractmethod def outcome(self) -> Outcome: """ Returns the current `Outcome` of this test. Returns ------- The current outcome of this test. """ def assert_(self) -> None: """ Assert the outcome of this test to be certainly true. Raise an `AssertionError` if the test is either incomplete or has failed. """ if not self.outcome().is_certainly_true(): msg = "The following test " msg += ["is incomplete.", "has failed."][self.outcome().is_certain()] msg += os.linesep msg += indent(str(self), 4 * " ") raise AssertionError(msg)
- abc.ABC
def assert_(self) ‑> None
Assert the outcome of this test to be certainly true. Raise an
if the test is either incomplete or has failed. def on_core(self, core: Sequence[int]) ‑> None
Consume an unsat
and possibly alter the current outcome of this test.Parameters
- The unsat core.
def on_finish(self, result: clingo.solving.SolveResult) ‑> None
Consume the final solve result and possibly alter the current outcome of this test.
This should be the last
-method ever called on a test. Afterwards the outcome must be certain.Parameters
- The
def on_model(self, _model: clingo.solving.Model) ‑> bool
Consume a
and possibly alter the current outcome of this test.Parameters
- The
to consume.
Whether further models a needed to decide this test.
def on_statistics(self, step: clingo.statistics.StatisticsMap, accumulated: clingo.statistics.StatisticsMap) ‑> None
Consume the solving statistics and possibly alter the current outcome of this test.
- The step statistics.
- The accumulated statistics.
def on_unsat(self, lower_bound: Sequence[int]) ‑> None
Consume a
during optimization and possibly alter the current outcome of this test.Parameters
- The lower bound.
def outcome(self) ‑> Outcome
Returns the current
of this test.Returns
The current outcome of this test.
class True_ (lazy: bool = True)
The test which always succeeds.
- Whether this test should be lazy, i.e., not consume any models.
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class True_(Test): """ The test which always succeeds. Parameters ---------- lazy Whether this test should be lazy, i.e., not consume any models. """ def __init__(self, lazy: bool = True) -> None: self.__outcome = Outcome(True, lazy) def __repr__(self): name = self.__class__.__name__ outcome = repr(self.__outcome) return f"{name}(__outcome={outcome})" def __str__(self): return f"[{self.__outcome}] {self.__class__.__name__}" def on_model(self, _model: Model) -> bool: return not self.__outcome.is_certain() def on_finish(self, result: SolveResult) -> None: self.__outcome = Outcome(True, True) def outcome(self) -> Outcome: return self.__outcome
- Test
- abc.ABC
Inherited members