
Impress your friends with faster encodings. ngo is a program and python library to optimize non ground logic ASP encodings for performance.


You can install the current version using pip

pip install ngo

Quickstart - Command line version

ngo converts an encoding read from stdin to an optimized encoding.

cat encoding.lp | ngo > new_encoding.lp

To get a better view of what ngo did to your encoding compare the two files

cat encoding.lp | ngo --enable none > orig_encoding.lp
cat encoding.lp | ngo > optimized_encoding.lp

Now use any diff viewer on the two new files.

Input Predicates

For some traits you have to state which predicates in your logic program are considered input. This means they are provided outside of the encoding, for example in an instance file. You give a comma separated list of predicates of the form name/n where n is the arity of the predicate. For constants you can use arity 0. Example:

ngo --input-predicates="edge/2, node/1"

You can also write --input-predicates=auto (its the default) to try to auto-detect the input predicates by screening your program for all predicates and taking the ones that do not occur in the head of any rule.

Output Predicates

For some traits you have to state which predicates in your logic program are considered output. This means they are not allowed to be removed or changed by ngo. You give a comma separated list of predicates of the form name/n where n is the arity of the predicate. For constants you can use arity 0. Example:

ngo --output-predicates="path/2, cost/1"

You can also write --output-predicates=auto (its the default). It will detect the predicates from the show statements. If performance is critical it makes sense to remove all kinds of output rewriting from the encoding and make a dedicated postprocessing step for it. For this consider using --output-predicates without an argument to make it empty.

Option --enable

The option enable support several traits that can be added, like

cat encoding.lp | ngo --enable math minmax_chains

By default this setting is set to default, which enables most traits. See here for a detailed information of what each trait does. To just rewrite your program into std clingo.ast normal form, use none to disable any optimizations. You can use all to enable all available traits.

Quickstart - API version

You can use the optimize function to optimize the list of AST's constituting your encoding. ngo needs just one additional line of code.


from clingo import Control
from clingo.ast import parse_files, ProgramBuilder
from ngo import optimize, auto_detect_input, auto_detect_output

ctl = Control()

prg = []
parse_files(["encoding.lp"], prg.append)
# this line optimizes your encoding
prg = optimize(prg, auto_detect_input(prg), auto_detect_output(prg))

with ProgramBuilder(ctl) as bld:
    for stm in prg:
        # print(stm) # shows the optimized rules

ctl.ground([('base', [])])


The following traits are available:


This module removes unnecessary literals that are superseeded by others. This requires the knowledge of which predicates are input predicates, beeing derived somewhere else, e.g. an instance of the problem.

b(X,Y) :- dom(X), dom(Y), X+Y < 42.
a(X,Y) :- b(X,Y), dom(X), dom(Y).


b(X,Y) :- dom(X), dom(Y), X+Y < 42.
a(X,Y) :- b(X,Y).

if dom/1 is an input predicates.


This module removes unnecessary variables from predicates. It might shrink predicates down and reduce their arity. If a predicate is not used in a constraint not in the --output-predicates it might be removed completely. So, this program:

b(X) :- c(X).
{ a } :- b(X).
foo :- a.

where c/1 is an input predicates, becomes:

{ a } :- c(_).


This module replaces sets of literals that occur in multiple rules with an extra predicate that is derived only once.

foo :- a, b, c.
bar :- a, b, d.
foobar :- {e : a, b}.


__aux_1 :- a; b.
foo :- c; __aux_1.
bar :- d; __aux_1.
foobar :- { e: __aux_1 }.


This trait replaces bodys with symmetry breaking rules that count different occurences of the same predicate with a counting aggregate if this preserves semantics. This can reduce the number of grounded rules.

:- slot(J1,M,T); slot(J2,M,T); J1 != J2.

gets replaced by

:- slot(_,M,T), 2 #count {J1 : slot(J1,M,T)}.

For more complex rules the symmetry breaking is improved:

:- slot(J1,M,T1); slot(J2,M,T2); J1 != J2, T1 != T2.


:- slot(J1,M,T1); slot(J2,M,T2); J1 < J2, T1 != T2.


Replaces min/max aggregates with a chain encoding. Replaces the result of min/max aggregates with chains in optimize statements and in sum aggregates. Also replaces simple bounded min/max aggregates with simple rules.


Detects partial predicates that under an at_most one restriction. Replaces these predicates in sum aggregates/optimization statements with a chain encoding.

{ shift(D,L) : pshift(D,L) } 1 :- day(D).
a(X) :- X = #sum {L,D : shift(D,L)}.

In this example only one shift length per day can exists. Therefore the shift length is computed using chaining and then the parts of the chain are used inside the #sum aggregate. This can reduce grounding and solving time. Depending on the domain of the weight Variable (L in this case here) the computation of the ordered domain can cause problems in grounding.


Tries to optimize any form of comparisons and aggregates in the rule body. This means that:

a :- X = #sum { 1,a : a }, Y=#sum{ 1,b: b }, X+Y=2.

gets replaces by something similar to

a :- 0 = #sum { 1,a: a; 1,b: b; -2 }.

This can reduce grounding drastically and might have an effect on solving.


This trait inlines rules that use aggregates into other aggregates or objective statements.

suminline(A,B) :- a(A); B = #sum { Y: person(A,Y) }.
foo(X) :- X = #sum { F,V: suminline(V,F); A: test(A,B) }.


foo(X) :- X = #sum { A: test(A,B); Y,V: a(V), person(V,Y) }.

This is only possible if it is safe to change set semantics using the tuples in the aggregates. This trait also works for minimize statements and weak constraints.


This trait splits rules in a way that the grounding complexity is reduced.

p(A,D) :- q(A,B,C), r(A D), t(E), not s(B,E).


aux(A) :- q(A,B,C), t(E), not s(B,E).
p(A,D) :- aux(A), r(A D).

This can reduce grounding drastically but introduces additional solving variables.

def optimize( prg: Iterable[clingo.ast.AST], input_predicates: list[Predicate], output_predicates: list[Predicate], cleanup: bool = True, unused: bool = True, duplication: bool = False, symmetry: bool = True, minmax_chains: bool = True, sum_chains: bool = True, math: bool = True, inline: bool = True, projection: bool = True) -> list[clingo.ast.AST]:

convert a logic program in form of clingo.AST's into an optimized encoding


prg: an encoding in form of clingo.AST's

input_predicates : a list of Predicate's that are supposed to be given from outside e.g. the instance for the encoding For example [Predicate("path",2), Predicate("node",1)] You can also let ngo try to automatically detect your input predicates with auto_detect_input

output_predicates : a list of Predicate's that are supposed to be outputted by the encoding. In general it is advised to reduce these predicates in your encoding to a minimum to optimize for performance. For example [Predicate("selected",2), Predicate("chosen",1)] You can also let ngo try to automatically detect your output predicates with -> auto_detect_output

Traits: There is a selection of different traits available that can be turned on or off. Please see Traits for a detailed description.

def auto_detect_input(prg: Iterable[clingo.ast.AST]) -> list[Predicate]:

given a program return a list of all predicates that occur in the program but are not derivable in a head

def auto_detect_output(prg: Iterable[clingo.ast.AST]) -> list[Predicate]:

given a program return a list of all predicates used in show statements

@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True, eq=True)
class Predicate:

an (immutable) predicate consisting of a name and arity

Predicate(name: str, arity: int)
name: str
arity: int