Module clingo.solving

Functions and classes related to solving.


The following example shows how to intercept models with a callback:

>>> from clingo import Control
>>> ctl = Control(["0"])
>>> ctl.add("base", [], "1 { a; b } 1.")
>>> ctl.ground([("base", [])])
>>> print(ctl.solve(on_model=print))
Answer: a
Answer: b

The following example shows how to yield models:

>>> from clingo import Control
>>> ctl = Control(["0"])
>>> ctl.add("base", [], "1 { a; b } 1.")
>>> ctl.ground([("base", [])])
>>> with ctl.solve(yield_=True) as hnd:
...     for m in hnd:
...         print(m)
...     print(hnd.get())
Answer: a
Answer: b

The following example shows how to solve asynchronously:

>>> from clingo import Control
>>> ctl = Control(["0"])
>>> ctl = clingo.Control("0")
>>> ctl.add("base", [], "1 { a; b } 1.")
>>> ctl.ground([("base", [])])
>>> with ctl.solve(on_model=print, async_=True) as hnd:
...     # some computation here
...     hnd.wait():
...     print(hnd.get())
Answer: a
Answer: b

This example shows how to solve both iteratively and asynchronously:

>>> from clingo import Control
>>> ctl = Control(["0"])
>>> ctl.configuration.solve.models = 0
>>> ctl.add("base", [], "1 { a; b } 1.")
>>> ctl.ground([("base", [])])
>>> with ctl.solve(yield_=True, async_=True) as hnd:
...     while True:
...         hnd.resume()
...         # some computation here
...         _ = hnd.wait()
...         m = hnd.model()
...         if m is None:
...             print(hnd.get())
...             break
...         print(m)
a b
Expand source code
Functions and classes related to solving.


The following example shows how to intercept models with a callback:

    >>> from clingo import Control
    >>> ctl = Control(["0"])
    >>> ctl.add("base", [], "1 { a; b } 1.")
    >>> ctl.ground([("base", [])])
    >>> print(ctl.solve(on_model=print))
    Answer: a
    Answer: b

The following example shows how to yield models:

    >>> from clingo import Control
    >>> ctl = Control(["0"])
    >>> ctl.add("base", [], "1 { a; b } 1.")
    >>> ctl.ground([("base", [])])
    >>> with ctl.solve(yield_=True) as hnd:
    ...     for m in hnd:
    ...         print(m)
    ...     print(hnd.get())
    Answer: a
    Answer: b

The following example shows how to solve asynchronously:

    >>> from clingo import Control
    >>> ctl = Control(["0"])
    >>> ctl = clingo.Control("0")
    >>> ctl.add("base", [], "1 { a; b } 1.")
    >>> ctl.ground([("base", [])])
    >>> with ctl.solve(on_model=print, async_=True) as hnd:
    ...     # some computation here
    ...     hnd.wait():
    ...     print(hnd.get())
    Answer: a
    Answer: b

This example shows how to solve both iteratively and asynchronously:

    >>> from clingo import Control
    >>> ctl = Control(["0"])
    >>> ctl.configuration.solve.models = 0
    >>> ctl.add("base", [], "1 { a; b } 1.")
    >>> ctl.ground([("base", [])])
    >>> with ctl.solve(yield_=True, async_=True) as hnd:
    ...     while True:
    ...         hnd.resume()
    ...         # some computation here
    ...         _ = hnd.wait()
    ...         m = hnd.model()
    ...         if m is None:
    ...             print(hnd.get())
    ...             break
    ...         print(m)
    a b

from typing import ContextManager, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from enum import Enum

from ._internal import _c_call, _c_call2, _ffi, _handle_error, _lib
from .util import Slice, SlicedSequence
from .symbol import Symbol
from .symbolic_atoms import SymbolicAtoms

__all__ = [ 'Model', 'ModelType', 'SolveControl', 'SolveHandle', 'SolveResult' ]

class SolveResult:
    Captures the result of a solve call.
    def __init__(self, rep):
        self._rep = rep

    def exhausted(self) -> bool:
        Determine if the search space was exhausted.
        return (_lib.clingo_solve_result_exhausted & self._rep) != 0

    def interrupted(self) -> bool:
        Determine if the search was interrupted.
        return (_lib.clingo_solve_result_interrupted & self._rep) != 0

    def satisfiable(self) -> Optional[bool]:
        `True` if the problem is satisfiable, `False` if the problem is
        unsatisfiable, or `None` if the satisfiablity is not known.
        if (_lib.clingo_solve_result_satisfiable & self._rep) != 0:
            return True
        if (_lib.clingo_solve_result_unsatisfiable & self._rep) != 0:
            return False
        return None

    def unknown(self) -> bool:
        Determine if the satisfiablity is not known.

        This is equivalent to satisfiable is None.
        return self.satisfiable is None

    def unsatisfiable(self) -> Optional[bool]:
        `True` if the problem is unsatisfiable, `False` if the problem is
        satisfiable, or `None` if the satisfiablity is not known.
        if (_lib.clingo_solve_result_unsatisfiable & self._rep) != 0:
            return True
        if (_lib.clingo_solve_result_satisfiable & self._rep) != 0:
            return False
        return None

    def __str__(self):
        if self.satisfiable:
            return "SAT"
        if self.unsatisfiable:
            return "UNSAT"
        return "UNKNOWN"

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"SolveResult({self._rep})"

class SolveControl:
    Object that allows for controlling a running search.
    def __init__(self, rep):
        self._rep = rep

    def add_clause(self, literals: Sequence[Union[Tuple[Symbol,bool],int]]) -> None:
        Add a clause that applies to the current solving step during the search.

            List of literals either represented as pairs of symbolic atoms and
            Booleans or as program literals.

        This function can only be called in a model callback or while iterating
        when using a `SolveHandle`.
        atoms = self.symbolic_atoms
        p_lits ='clingo_literal_t[]', len(literals))
        for i, lit in enumerate(literals):
            if isinstance(lit, int):
                p_lits[i] = lit
                atom = atoms[lit[0]]
                if atom is not None:
                    slit = atom.literal
                    slit = -1
                p_lits[i] = slit if lit[1] else -slit

        _handle_error(_lib.clingo_solve_control_add_clause(self._rep, p_lits, len(literals)))

    def _invert(self, lit: Union[Tuple[Symbol,bool],int]) -> Union[Tuple[Symbol,bool],int]:
        if isinstance(lit, int):
            return -lit
        return lit[0], not lit[1]

    def add_nogood(self, literals: Sequence[Union[Tuple[Symbol,bool],int]]) -> None:
        Equivalent to `SolveControl.add_clause` with the literals inverted.
        self.add_clause([self._invert(lit) for lit in literals])

    def symbolic_atoms(self) -> SymbolicAtoms:
        `clingo.symbolic_atoms.SymbolicAtoms` object to inspect the symbolic atoms.
        atoms = _c_call('clingo_symbolic_atoms_t*', _lib.clingo_solve_control_symbolic_atoms, self._rep)
        return SymbolicAtoms(atoms)

class ModelType(Enum):
    Enumeration of the different types of models.
    BraveConsequences = _lib.clingo_model_type_brave_consequences
    The model stores the set of brave consequences.
    CautiousConsequences = _lib.clingo_model_type_cautious_consequences
    The model stores the set of cautious consequences.
    StableModel = _lib.clingo_model_type_stable_model
    The model captures a stable model.

class _SymbolSequence(Sequence[Symbol]):
    Helper class to efficiently store sequences of symbols.
    def __init__(self, p_symbols):
        self._p_symbols = p_symbols

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._p_symbols)

    def __getitem__(self, slc):
        if isinstance(slc, slice):
            return SlicedSequence(self, Slice(slc))
        if slc < 0:
            slc += len(self)
        if slc < 0 or slc >= len(self):
            raise IndexError('invalid index')
        return Symbol(self._p_symbols[slc])

    def __iter__(self):
        for i in range(len(self)):
            yield Symbol(self._p_symbols[i])

    def __str__(self):
        return f'[{", ".join(str(sym) for sym in self)}]'

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'[{", ".join(repr(sym) for sym in self)}]'

class Model:
    Provides access to a model during a solve call and provides a
    `SolveContext` object to influence the running search.

    The string representation of a model object is similar to the output of
    models by clingo using the default output.

    `Model` objects cannot be constructed from Python. Instead they are obained
    during solving (see `Control.solve`). Furthermore, the lifetime of a model
    object is limited to the scope of the callback it was passed to or until
    the search for the next model is started. They must not be stored for later
    def __init__(self, rep):
        self._rep = rep

    def contains(self, atom: Symbol) -> bool:
        Efficiently check if an atom is contained in the model.

            The atom to lookup.

        Whether the given atom is contained in the model.

        The atom must be represented using a function symbol.
        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        return _c_call('bool', _lib.clingo_model_contains, self._rep, atom._rep)

    def extend(self, symbols: Sequence[Symbol]) -> None:
        Extend a model with the given symbols.

            The symbols to add to the model.

        This only has an effect if there is an underlying clingo application,
        which will print the added symbols.
        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        c_symbols ='clingo_symbol_t[]', len(symbols))
        for i, sym in enumerate(symbols):
            c_symbols[i] = sym._rep
        _handle_error(_lib.clingo_model_extend(self._rep, c_symbols, len(symbols)))

    def is_true(self, literal: int) -> bool:
        Check if the given program literal is true.

            The given program literal.

        Whether the given program literal is true.
        return _c_call('bool', _lib.clingo_model_is_true, self._rep, literal)

    def symbols(self, atoms: bool=False, terms: bool=False, shown: bool=False, csp: bool=False,
                theory: bool=False, complement: bool=False) -> Sequence[Symbol]:
        Return the list of atoms, terms, or CSP assignments in the model.

            Select all atoms in the model (independent of `#show` statements).
            Select all terms displayed with `#show` statements in the model.
            Select all atoms and terms as outputted by clingo.
            Select all csp assignments (independent of `#show` statements).
            Select atoms added with `Model.extend`.
            Return the complement of the answer set w.r.t. to the atoms known
            to the grounder. (Does not affect csp assignments.)

        The selected symbols.

        Atoms are represented using functions (`Symbol` objects), and CSP
        assignments are represented using functions with name `"$"` where the
        first argument is the name of the CSP variable and the second its
        show = 0
        if atoms:
            show |= _lib.clingo_show_type_atoms
        if terms:
            show |= _lib.clingo_show_type_terms
        if shown:
            show |= _lib.clingo_show_type_shown
        if csp:
            show |= _lib.clingo_show_type_csp
        if theory:
            show |= _lib.clingo_show_type_theory
        if complement:
            show |= _lib.clingo_show_type_complement

        size = _c_call('size_t', _lib.clingo_model_symbols_size, self._rep, show)

        p_symbols ='clingo_symbol_t[]', size)
        _handle_error(_lib.clingo_model_symbols(self._rep, show, p_symbols, size))

        return _SymbolSequence(p_symbols)

    def __str__(self):
        return " ".join(map(str, self.symbols(shown=True)))

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'Model({self._rep!r})'

    def context(self) -> SolveControl:
        Object that allows for controlling the running search.
        ctl = _c_call('clingo_solve_control_t*', _lib.clingo_model_context, self._rep)
        return SolveControl(ctl)

    def cost(self) -> List[int]:
        Return the list of integer cost values of the model.

        The return values correspond to clasp's cost output.
        size = _c_call('size_t', _lib.clingo_model_cost_size, self._rep)

        p_costs ='int64_t[]', size)
        _handle_error(_lib.clingo_model_cost(self._rep, p_costs, size))

        return list(p_costs)

    def number(self) -> int:
        The running number of the model.
        return _c_call('uint64_t', _lib.clingo_model_number, self._rep)

    def optimality_proven(self) -> bool:
        Whether the optimality of the model has been proven.
        return _c_call('bool', _lib.clingo_model_optimality_proven, self._rep)

    def thread_id(self) -> int:
        The id of the thread which found the model.
        return _c_call('clingo_id_t', _lib.clingo_model_thread_id, self._rep)

    def type(self) -> ModelType:
        The type of the model.
        return ModelType(_c_call('clingo_model_type_t', _lib.clingo_model_type, self._rep))

class SolveHandle(ContextManager['SolveHandle']):
    Handle for solve calls.

    They can be used to control solving, like, retrieving models or cancelling
    a search.

    See Also

    A `SolveHandle` is a context manager and must be used with Python's `with`

    Blocking functions in this object release the GIL. They are not thread-safe
    def __init__(self, rep, handler):
        self._rep = rep
        self._handler = handler

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Model]:
        while True:
            m = self.model()
            if m is None:
            yield m

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        _handle_error(_lib.clingo_solve_handle_close(self._rep), self._handler)
        return False

    def cancel(self) -> None:
        Cancel the running search.

        See Also
        _handle_error(_lib.clingo_solve_handle_cancel(self._rep), self._handler)

    def core(self) -> List[int]:
        The subset of assumptions that made the problem unsatisfiable.
        core, size = _c_call2('clingo_literal_t*', 'size_t', _lib.clingo_solve_handle_core,
                              self._rep, handler=self._handler)
        return [core[i] for i in range(size)]

    def get(self) -> SolveResult:
        Get the result of a solve call.

        If the search is not completed yet, the function blocks until the
        result is ready.
        res = _c_call('clingo_solve_result_bitset_t', _lib.clingo_solve_handle_get, self._rep, handler=self._handler)
        return SolveResult(res)

    def model(self) -> Optional[Model]:
        Get the current model if there is any.
        p_model ='clingo_model_t**')
            _lib.clingo_solve_handle_model(self._rep, p_model),
        if p_model[0] == _ffi.NULL:
            return None
        return Model(p_model[0])

    def resume(self) -> None:
        Discards the last model and starts searching for the next one.

        If the search has been started asynchronously, this function starts the
        search in the background.
        _handle_error(_lib.clingo_solve_handle_resume(self._rep), self._handler)

    def wait(self, timeout: Optional[float]=None) -> bool:
        Wait for solve call to finish or the next result with an optional timeout.

        If a timeout is given, the behavior of the function changes depending
        on the sign of the timeout. If a postive timeout is given, the function
        blocks for the given amount time or until a result is ready. If the
        timeout is negative, the function will block until a result is ready,
        which also corresponds to the behavior of the function if no timeout is
        given. A timeout of zero can be used to poll if a result is ready.

            If a timeout is given, the function blocks for at most timeout seconds.

        Indicates whether the solve call has finished or the next result is ready.
        p_res ='bool*')
        _lib.clingo_solve_handle_wait(self._rep, -1 if timeout is None else timeout, p_res)
        return p_res[0]


class Model (rep)

Provides access to a model during a solve call and provides a SolveContext object to influence the running search.


The string representation of a model object is similar to the output of models by clingo using the default output.

Model objects cannot be constructed from Python. Instead they are obained during solving (see Control.solve). Furthermore, the lifetime of a model object is limited to the scope of the callback it was passed to or until the search for the next model is started. They must not be stored for later use.

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class Model:
    Provides access to a model during a solve call and provides a
    `SolveContext` object to influence the running search.

    The string representation of a model object is similar to the output of
    models by clingo using the default output.

    `Model` objects cannot be constructed from Python. Instead they are obained
    during solving (see `Control.solve`). Furthermore, the lifetime of a model
    object is limited to the scope of the callback it was passed to or until
    the search for the next model is started. They must not be stored for later
    def __init__(self, rep):
        self._rep = rep

    def contains(self, atom: Symbol) -> bool:
        Efficiently check if an atom is contained in the model.

            The atom to lookup.

        Whether the given atom is contained in the model.

        The atom must be represented using a function symbol.
        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        return _c_call('bool', _lib.clingo_model_contains, self._rep, atom._rep)

    def extend(self, symbols: Sequence[Symbol]) -> None:
        Extend a model with the given symbols.

            The symbols to add to the model.

        This only has an effect if there is an underlying clingo application,
        which will print the added symbols.
        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        c_symbols ='clingo_symbol_t[]', len(symbols))
        for i, sym in enumerate(symbols):
            c_symbols[i] = sym._rep
        _handle_error(_lib.clingo_model_extend(self._rep, c_symbols, len(symbols)))

    def is_true(self, literal: int) -> bool:
        Check if the given program literal is true.

            The given program literal.

        Whether the given program literal is true.
        return _c_call('bool', _lib.clingo_model_is_true, self._rep, literal)

    def symbols(self, atoms: bool=False, terms: bool=False, shown: bool=False, csp: bool=False,
                theory: bool=False, complement: bool=False) -> Sequence[Symbol]:
        Return the list of atoms, terms, or CSP assignments in the model.

            Select all atoms in the model (independent of `#show` statements).
            Select all terms displayed with `#show` statements in the model.
            Select all atoms and terms as outputted by clingo.
            Select all csp assignments (independent of `#show` statements).
            Select atoms added with `Model.extend`.
            Return the complement of the answer set w.r.t. to the atoms known
            to the grounder. (Does not affect csp assignments.)

        The selected symbols.

        Atoms are represented using functions (`Symbol` objects), and CSP
        assignments are represented using functions with name `"$"` where the
        first argument is the name of the CSP variable and the second its
        show = 0
        if atoms:
            show |= _lib.clingo_show_type_atoms
        if terms:
            show |= _lib.clingo_show_type_terms
        if shown:
            show |= _lib.clingo_show_type_shown
        if csp:
            show |= _lib.clingo_show_type_csp
        if theory:
            show |= _lib.clingo_show_type_theory
        if complement:
            show |= _lib.clingo_show_type_complement

        size = _c_call('size_t', _lib.clingo_model_symbols_size, self._rep, show)

        p_symbols ='clingo_symbol_t[]', size)
        _handle_error(_lib.clingo_model_symbols(self._rep, show, p_symbols, size))

        return _SymbolSequence(p_symbols)

    def __str__(self):
        return " ".join(map(str, self.symbols(shown=True)))

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'Model({self._rep!r})'

    def context(self) -> SolveControl:
        Object that allows for controlling the running search.
        ctl = _c_call('clingo_solve_control_t*', _lib.clingo_model_context, self._rep)
        return SolveControl(ctl)

    def cost(self) -> List[int]:
        Return the list of integer cost values of the model.

        The return values correspond to clasp's cost output.
        size = _c_call('size_t', _lib.clingo_model_cost_size, self._rep)

        p_costs ='int64_t[]', size)
        _handle_error(_lib.clingo_model_cost(self._rep, p_costs, size))

        return list(p_costs)

    def number(self) -> int:
        The running number of the model.
        return _c_call('uint64_t', _lib.clingo_model_number, self._rep)

    def optimality_proven(self) -> bool:
        Whether the optimality of the model has been proven.
        return _c_call('bool', _lib.clingo_model_optimality_proven, self._rep)

    def thread_id(self) -> int:
        The id of the thread which found the model.
        return _c_call('clingo_id_t', _lib.clingo_model_thread_id, self._rep)

    def type(self) -> ModelType:
        The type of the model.
        return ModelType(_c_call('clingo_model_type_t', _lib.clingo_model_type, self._rep))

Instance variables

var contextSolveControl

Object that allows for controlling the running search.

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def context(self) -> SolveControl:
    Object that allows for controlling the running search.
    ctl = _c_call('clingo_solve_control_t*', _lib.clingo_model_context, self._rep)
    return SolveControl(ctl)
var cost : List[int]

Return the list of integer cost values of the model.

The return values correspond to clasp's cost output.

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def cost(self) -> List[int]:
    Return the list of integer cost values of the model.

    The return values correspond to clasp's cost output.
    size = _c_call('size_t', _lib.clingo_model_cost_size, self._rep)

    p_costs ='int64_t[]', size)
    _handle_error(_lib.clingo_model_cost(self._rep, p_costs, size))

    return list(p_costs)
var number : int

The running number of the model.

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def number(self) -> int:
    The running number of the model.
    return _c_call('uint64_t', _lib.clingo_model_number, self._rep)
var optimality_proven : bool

Whether the optimality of the model has been proven.

Expand source code
def optimality_proven(self) -> bool:
    Whether the optimality of the model has been proven.
    return _c_call('bool', _lib.clingo_model_optimality_proven, self._rep)
var thread_id : int

The id of the thread which found the model.

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def thread_id(self) -> int:
    The id of the thread which found the model.
    return _c_call('clingo_id_t', _lib.clingo_model_thread_id, self._rep)
var typeModelType

The type of the model.

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def type(self) -> ModelType:
    The type of the model.
    return ModelType(_c_call('clingo_model_type_t', _lib.clingo_model_type, self._rep))


def contains(self, atom: Symbol) ‑> bool

Efficiently check if an atom is contained in the model.


The atom to lookup.


Whether the given atom is contained in the model.


The atom must be represented using a function symbol.

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def contains(self, atom: Symbol) -> bool:
    Efficiently check if an atom is contained in the model.

        The atom to lookup.

    Whether the given atom is contained in the model.

    The atom must be represented using a function symbol.
    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    return _c_call('bool', _lib.clingo_model_contains, self._rep, atom._rep)
def extend(self, symbols: Sequence[Symbol]) ‑> None

Extend a model with the given symbols.


The symbols to add to the model.


This only has an effect if there is an underlying clingo application, which will print the added symbols.

Expand source code
def extend(self, symbols: Sequence[Symbol]) -> None:
    Extend a model with the given symbols.

        The symbols to add to the model.

    This only has an effect if there is an underlying clingo application,
    which will print the added symbols.
    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    c_symbols ='clingo_symbol_t[]', len(symbols))
    for i, sym in enumerate(symbols):
        c_symbols[i] = sym._rep
    _handle_error(_lib.clingo_model_extend(self._rep, c_symbols, len(symbols)))
def is_true(self, literal: int) ‑> bool

Check if the given program literal is true.


The given program literal.


Whether the given program literal is true.

Expand source code
def is_true(self, literal: int) -> bool:
    Check if the given program literal is true.

        The given program literal.

    Whether the given program literal is true.
    return _c_call('bool', _lib.clingo_model_is_true, self._rep, literal)
def symbols(self, atoms: bool = False, terms: bool = False, shown: bool = False, csp: bool = False, theory: bool = False, complement: bool = False) ‑> Sequence[Symbol]

Return the list of atoms, terms, or CSP assignments in the model.


Select all atoms in the model (independent of #show statements).
Select all terms displayed with #show statements in the model.
Select all atoms and terms as outputted by clingo.
Select all csp assignments (independent of #show statements).
Select atoms added with Model.extend().
Return the complement of the answer set w.r.t. to the atoms known to the grounder. (Does not affect csp assignments.)


The selected symbols.


Atoms are represented using functions (Symbol objects), and CSP assignments are represented using functions with name "$" where the first argument is the name of the CSP variable and the second its value.

Expand source code
def symbols(self, atoms: bool=False, terms: bool=False, shown: bool=False, csp: bool=False,
            theory: bool=False, complement: bool=False) -> Sequence[Symbol]:
    Return the list of atoms, terms, or CSP assignments in the model.

        Select all atoms in the model (independent of `#show` statements).
        Select all terms displayed with `#show` statements in the model.
        Select all atoms and terms as outputted by clingo.
        Select all csp assignments (independent of `#show` statements).
        Select atoms added with `Model.extend`.
        Return the complement of the answer set w.r.t. to the atoms known
        to the grounder. (Does not affect csp assignments.)

    The selected symbols.

    Atoms are represented using functions (`Symbol` objects), and CSP
    assignments are represented using functions with name `"$"` where the
    first argument is the name of the CSP variable and the second its
    show = 0
    if atoms:
        show |= _lib.clingo_show_type_atoms
    if terms:
        show |= _lib.clingo_show_type_terms
    if shown:
        show |= _lib.clingo_show_type_shown
    if csp:
        show |= _lib.clingo_show_type_csp
    if theory:
        show |= _lib.clingo_show_type_theory
    if complement:
        show |= _lib.clingo_show_type_complement

    size = _c_call('size_t', _lib.clingo_model_symbols_size, self._rep, show)

    p_symbols ='clingo_symbol_t[]', size)
    _handle_error(_lib.clingo_model_symbols(self._rep, show, p_symbols, size))

    return _SymbolSequence(p_symbols)
class ModelType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

Enumeration of the different types of models.

Expand source code
class ModelType(Enum):
    Enumeration of the different types of models.
    BraveConsequences = _lib.clingo_model_type_brave_consequences
    The model stores the set of brave consequences.
    CautiousConsequences = _lib.clingo_model_type_cautious_consequences
    The model stores the set of cautious consequences.
    StableModel = _lib.clingo_model_type_stable_model
    The model captures a stable model.


  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var BraveConsequences

The model stores the set of brave consequences.

var CautiousConsequences

The model stores the set of cautious consequences.

var StableModel

The model captures a stable model.

class SolveControl (rep)

Object that allows for controlling a running search.

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class SolveControl:
    Object that allows for controlling a running search.
    def __init__(self, rep):
        self._rep = rep

    def add_clause(self, literals: Sequence[Union[Tuple[Symbol,bool],int]]) -> None:
        Add a clause that applies to the current solving step during the search.

            List of literals either represented as pairs of symbolic atoms and
            Booleans or as program literals.

        This function can only be called in a model callback or while iterating
        when using a `SolveHandle`.
        atoms = self.symbolic_atoms
        p_lits ='clingo_literal_t[]', len(literals))
        for i, lit in enumerate(literals):
            if isinstance(lit, int):
                p_lits[i] = lit
                atom = atoms[lit[0]]
                if atom is not None:
                    slit = atom.literal
                    slit = -1
                p_lits[i] = slit if lit[1] else -slit

        _handle_error(_lib.clingo_solve_control_add_clause(self._rep, p_lits, len(literals)))

    def _invert(self, lit: Union[Tuple[Symbol,bool],int]) -> Union[Tuple[Symbol,bool],int]:
        if isinstance(lit, int):
            return -lit
        return lit[0], not lit[1]

    def add_nogood(self, literals: Sequence[Union[Tuple[Symbol,bool],int]]) -> None:
        Equivalent to `SolveControl.add_clause` with the literals inverted.
        self.add_clause([self._invert(lit) for lit in literals])

    def symbolic_atoms(self) -> SymbolicAtoms:
        `clingo.symbolic_atoms.SymbolicAtoms` object to inspect the symbolic atoms.
        atoms = _c_call('clingo_symbolic_atoms_t*', _lib.clingo_solve_control_symbolic_atoms, self._rep)
        return SymbolicAtoms(atoms)

Instance variables

var symbolic_atomsSymbolicAtoms

SymbolicAtoms object to inspect the symbolic atoms.

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def symbolic_atoms(self) -> SymbolicAtoms:
    `clingo.symbolic_atoms.SymbolicAtoms` object to inspect the symbolic atoms.
    atoms = _c_call('clingo_symbolic_atoms_t*', _lib.clingo_solve_control_symbolic_atoms, self._rep)
    return SymbolicAtoms(atoms)


def add_clause(self, literals: Sequence[Union[Tuple[Symbol, bool], int]]) ‑> None

Add a clause that applies to the current solving step during the search.


List of literals either represented as pairs of symbolic atoms and Booleans or as program literals.


This function can only be called in a model callback or while iterating when using a SolveHandle.

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def add_clause(self, literals: Sequence[Union[Tuple[Symbol,bool],int]]) -> None:
    Add a clause that applies to the current solving step during the search.

        List of literals either represented as pairs of symbolic atoms and
        Booleans or as program literals.

    This function can only be called in a model callback or while iterating
    when using a `SolveHandle`.
    atoms = self.symbolic_atoms
    p_lits ='clingo_literal_t[]', len(literals))
    for i, lit in enumerate(literals):
        if isinstance(lit, int):
            p_lits[i] = lit
            atom = atoms[lit[0]]
            if atom is not None:
                slit = atom.literal
                slit = -1
            p_lits[i] = slit if lit[1] else -slit

    _handle_error(_lib.clingo_solve_control_add_clause(self._rep, p_lits, len(literals)))
def add_nogood(self, literals: Sequence[Union[Tuple[Symbol, bool], int]]) ‑> None

Equivalent to SolveControl.add_clause() with the literals inverted.

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def add_nogood(self, literals: Sequence[Union[Tuple[Symbol,bool],int]]) -> None:
    Equivalent to `SolveControl.add_clause` with the literals inverted.
    self.add_clause([self._invert(lit) for lit in literals])
class SolveHandle (rep, handler)

Handle for solve calls.

They can be used to control solving, like, retrieving models or cancelling a search.

See Also



A SolveHandle is a context manager and must be used with Python's with statement.

Blocking functions in this object release the GIL. They are not thread-safe though.

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class SolveHandle(ContextManager['SolveHandle']):
    Handle for solve calls.

    They can be used to control solving, like, retrieving models or cancelling
    a search.

    See Also

    A `SolveHandle` is a context manager and must be used with Python's `with`

    Blocking functions in this object release the GIL. They are not thread-safe
    def __init__(self, rep, handler):
        self._rep = rep
        self._handler = handler

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Model]:
        while True:
            m = self.model()
            if m is None:
            yield m

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        _handle_error(_lib.clingo_solve_handle_close(self._rep), self._handler)
        return False

    def cancel(self) -> None:
        Cancel the running search.

        See Also
        _handle_error(_lib.clingo_solve_handle_cancel(self._rep), self._handler)

    def core(self) -> List[int]:
        The subset of assumptions that made the problem unsatisfiable.
        core, size = _c_call2('clingo_literal_t*', 'size_t', _lib.clingo_solve_handle_core,
                              self._rep, handler=self._handler)
        return [core[i] for i in range(size)]

    def get(self) -> SolveResult:
        Get the result of a solve call.

        If the search is not completed yet, the function blocks until the
        result is ready.
        res = _c_call('clingo_solve_result_bitset_t', _lib.clingo_solve_handle_get, self._rep, handler=self._handler)
        return SolveResult(res)

    def model(self) -> Optional[Model]:
        Get the current model if there is any.
        p_model ='clingo_model_t**')
            _lib.clingo_solve_handle_model(self._rep, p_model),
        if p_model[0] == _ffi.NULL:
            return None
        return Model(p_model[0])

    def resume(self) -> None:
        Discards the last model and starts searching for the next one.

        If the search has been started asynchronously, this function starts the
        search in the background.
        _handle_error(_lib.clingo_solve_handle_resume(self._rep), self._handler)

    def wait(self, timeout: Optional[float]=None) -> bool:
        Wait for solve call to finish or the next result with an optional timeout.

        If a timeout is given, the behavior of the function changes depending
        on the sign of the timeout. If a postive timeout is given, the function
        blocks for the given amount time or until a result is ready. If the
        timeout is negative, the function will block until a result is ready,
        which also corresponds to the behavior of the function if no timeout is
        given. A timeout of zero can be used to poll if a result is ready.

            If a timeout is given, the function blocks for at most timeout seconds.

        Indicates whether the solve call has finished or the next result is ready.
        p_res ='bool*')
        _lib.clingo_solve_handle_wait(self._rep, -1 if timeout is None else timeout, p_res)
        return p_res[0]


  • contextlib.AbstractContextManager
  • abc.ABC
  • typing.Generic


def cancel(self) ‑> None

Cancel the running search.

See Also


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def cancel(self) -> None:
    Cancel the running search.

    See Also
    _handle_error(_lib.clingo_solve_handle_cancel(self._rep), self._handler)
def core(self) ‑> List[int]

The subset of assumptions that made the problem unsatisfiable.

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def core(self) -> List[int]:
    The subset of assumptions that made the problem unsatisfiable.
    core, size = _c_call2('clingo_literal_t*', 'size_t', _lib.clingo_solve_handle_core,
                          self._rep, handler=self._handler)
    return [core[i] for i in range(size)]
def get(self) ‑> SolveResult

Get the result of a solve call.

If the search is not completed yet, the function blocks until the result is ready.

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def get(self) -> SolveResult:
    Get the result of a solve call.

    If the search is not completed yet, the function blocks until the
    result is ready.
    res = _c_call('clingo_solve_result_bitset_t', _lib.clingo_solve_handle_get, self._rep, handler=self._handler)
    return SolveResult(res)
def model(self) ‑> Optional[Model]

Get the current model if there is any.

Expand source code
def model(self) -> Optional[Model]:
    Get the current model if there is any.
    p_model ='clingo_model_t**')
        _lib.clingo_solve_handle_model(self._rep, p_model),
    if p_model[0] == _ffi.NULL:
        return None
    return Model(p_model[0])
def resume(self) ‑> None

Discards the last model and starts searching for the next one.


If the search has been started asynchronously, this function starts the search in the background.

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def resume(self) -> None:
    Discards the last model and starts searching for the next one.

    If the search has been started asynchronously, this function starts the
    search in the background.
    _handle_error(_lib.clingo_solve_handle_resume(self._rep), self._handler)
def wait(self, timeout: Optional[float] = None) ‑> bool

Wait for solve call to finish or the next result with an optional timeout.

If a timeout is given, the behavior of the function changes depending on the sign of the timeout. If a postive timeout is given, the function blocks for the given amount time or until a result is ready. If the timeout is negative, the function will block until a result is ready, which also corresponds to the behavior of the function if no timeout is given. A timeout of zero can be used to poll if a result is ready.


If a timeout is given, the function blocks for at most timeout seconds.


Indicates whether the solve call has finished or the next result is ready.

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def wait(self, timeout: Optional[float]=None) -> bool:
    Wait for solve call to finish or the next result with an optional timeout.

    If a timeout is given, the behavior of the function changes depending
    on the sign of the timeout. If a postive timeout is given, the function
    blocks for the given amount time or until a result is ready. If the
    timeout is negative, the function will block until a result is ready,
    which also corresponds to the behavior of the function if no timeout is
    given. A timeout of zero can be used to poll if a result is ready.

        If a timeout is given, the function blocks for at most timeout seconds.

    Indicates whether the solve call has finished or the next result is ready.
    p_res ='bool*')
    _lib.clingo_solve_handle_wait(self._rep, -1 if timeout is None else timeout, p_res)
    return p_res[0]
class SolveResult (rep)

Captures the result of a solve call.

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class SolveResult:
    Captures the result of a solve call.
    def __init__(self, rep):
        self._rep = rep

    def exhausted(self) -> bool:
        Determine if the search space was exhausted.
        return (_lib.clingo_solve_result_exhausted & self._rep) != 0

    def interrupted(self) -> bool:
        Determine if the search was interrupted.
        return (_lib.clingo_solve_result_interrupted & self._rep) != 0

    def satisfiable(self) -> Optional[bool]:
        `True` if the problem is satisfiable, `False` if the problem is
        unsatisfiable, or `None` if the satisfiablity is not known.
        if (_lib.clingo_solve_result_satisfiable & self._rep) != 0:
            return True
        if (_lib.clingo_solve_result_unsatisfiable & self._rep) != 0:
            return False
        return None

    def unknown(self) -> bool:
        Determine if the satisfiablity is not known.

        This is equivalent to satisfiable is None.
        return self.satisfiable is None

    def unsatisfiable(self) -> Optional[bool]:
        `True` if the problem is unsatisfiable, `False` if the problem is
        satisfiable, or `None` if the satisfiablity is not known.
        if (_lib.clingo_solve_result_unsatisfiable & self._rep) != 0:
            return True
        if (_lib.clingo_solve_result_satisfiable & self._rep) != 0:
            return False
        return None

    def __str__(self):
        if self.satisfiable:
            return "SAT"
        if self.unsatisfiable:
            return "UNSAT"
        return "UNKNOWN"

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"SolveResult({self._rep})"

Instance variables

var exhausted : bool

Determine if the search space was exhausted.

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def exhausted(self) -> bool:
    Determine if the search space was exhausted.
    return (_lib.clingo_solve_result_exhausted & self._rep) != 0
var interrupted : bool

Determine if the search was interrupted.

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def interrupted(self) -> bool:
    Determine if the search was interrupted.
    return (_lib.clingo_solve_result_interrupted & self._rep) != 0
var satisfiable : Optional[bool]

True if the problem is satisfiable, False if the problem is unsatisfiable, or None if the satisfiablity is not known.

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def satisfiable(self) -> Optional[bool]:
    `True` if the problem is satisfiable, `False` if the problem is
    unsatisfiable, or `None` if the satisfiablity is not known.
    if (_lib.clingo_solve_result_satisfiable & self._rep) != 0:
        return True
    if (_lib.clingo_solve_result_unsatisfiable & self._rep) != 0:
        return False
    return None
var unknown : bool

Determine if the satisfiablity is not known.

This is equivalent to satisfiable is None.

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def unknown(self) -> bool:
    Determine if the satisfiablity is not known.

    This is equivalent to satisfiable is None.
    return self.satisfiable is None
var unsatisfiable : Optional[bool]

True if the problem is unsatisfiable, False if the problem is satisfiable, or None if the satisfiablity is not known.

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def unsatisfiable(self) -> Optional[bool]:
    `True` if the problem is unsatisfiable, `False` if the problem is
    satisfiable, or `None` if the satisfiablity is not known.
    if (_lib.clingo_solve_result_unsatisfiable & self._rep) != 0:
        return True
    if (_lib.clingo_solve_result_satisfiable & self._rep) != 0:
        return False
    return None