Module clingox.program
This module provides functions to work with ground programs.
This includes constructing a ground representation using an observer, pretty printing the ground representation, and adding ground program to control objects via the backend.
The following example shows how to:
- use the
to construct aProgram
, and - add it to another
>>> from clingo.control import Control
>>> from clingox.program import Program, ProgramObserver, Remapping
>>> prg = Program()
>>> ctl_a = Control()
>>> ctl_a.register_observer(ProgramObserver(prg))
>>> ctl_a.add('base', [], 'a. {b}. c :- b.')
>>> ctl_a.ground([('base', [])])
>>> print(prg)
c :- b.
>>> ctl_b = Control(['0'])
>>> with ctl_b.backend() as backend:
... mapping = Remapping(backend, prg.output_atoms, prg.facts)
... prg.add_to_backend(backend, mapping)
>>> ctl_b.solve(on_model=print)
b c a
Expand source code
This module provides functions to work with ground programs.
This includes constructing a ground representation using an observer, pretty
printing the ground representation, and adding ground program to control
objects via the backend.
The following example shows how to:
- use the `ProgramObserver` to construct a `Program`, and
- add it to another `clingo.control.Control` object.
>>> from clingo.control import Control
>>> from clingox.program import Program, ProgramObserver, Remapping
>>> prg = Program()
>>> ctl_a = Control()
>>> ctl_a.register_observer(ProgramObserver(prg))
>>> ctl_a.add('base', [], 'a. {b}. c :- b.')
>>> ctl_a.ground([('base', [])])
>>> print(prg)
c :- b.
>>> ctl_b = Control(['0'])
>>> with ctl_b.backend() as backend:
... mapping = Remapping(backend, prg.output_atoms, prg.facts)
... prg.add_to_backend(backend, mapping)
>>> ctl_b.solve(on_model=print)
b c a
from copy import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from functools import singledispatch
from itertools import chain
from typing import (
from clingo import Backend, HeuristicType, Observer, Symbol, TruthValue
__all__ = [
__pdoc__ = {}
Atom = int
Literal = int
Weight = int
OutputTable = Mapping[Atom, Symbol]
AtomMap = Callable[[Atom], Atom]
Statement = TypeVar(
def pretty_str(stm, output_atoms: OutputTable) -> str:
Pretty print statements.
The statement to convert to a string.
A mapping from program atoms to symbols.
The string representation of the statement.
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
assert False, "unexpected type"
def remap(stm, mapping: AtomMap):
Remap literals in the given statement with the provided mapping.
The statement to remap.
The mapping function to remap literals.
The updated statement.
See Also
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
assert False, "unexpected type"
def add_to_backend(stm, backend: Backend):
Add statements to the backend using the provided mapping to map literals.
The statement to add to the backend.
The backend.
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
assert False, "unexpected type"
def _pretty_str_lit(stm: Literal, output_atoms: OutputTable) -> str:
Pretty print literals and atoms.
atom = abs(stm)
if atom in output_atoms:
atom_str = str(output_atoms[atom])
atom_str = f"__x{atom}"
return f"not {atom_str}" if stm < 0 else atom_str
def _pretty_str_rule_head(
choice: bool, has_body: bool, head: Sequence[Atom], output_atoms: OutputTable
) -> str:
Pretty print the head of a rule including the implication symbol if
ret = ""
if choice:
ret += "{"
ret += "; ".join(_pretty_str_lit(lit, output_atoms) for lit in head)
if choice:
ret += "}"
if has_body or (not head and not choice):
ret += " :- "
return ret
def _pretty_str_truth_value(stm: TruthValue):
Pretty print a truth value.
if stm == TruthValue.False_:
return "False"
if stm == TruthValue.True_:
return "True"
return "Free"
def _remap_lit(literal: Literal, mapping: AtomMap) -> Atom:
return -mapping(-literal) if literal < 0 else mapping(literal)
def _remap_seq(literals: Sequence[Literal], mapping: AtomMap):
Apply the mapping to a sequence of literals or atoms.
return [_remap_lit(lit, mapping) for lit in literals]
def _remap_wseq(literals: Sequence[Tuple[Literal, Weight]], mapping: AtomMap):
Apply the mapping to a sequence of weighted literals or atoms.
return [(_remap_lit(lit, mapping), weight) for lit, weight in literals]
def _remap_stms(stms: MutableSequence[Statement], mapping: AtomMap):
Remap the given statements.
for i, stm in enumerate(stms):
stms[i] = remap(stm, mapping)
def _add_stms_to_backend(
stms: Iterable[Statement], backend: Backend, mapping: Optional[AtomMap]
Remap the given statements returning a list with the result.
for stm in stms:
if mapping:
add_to_backend(remap(stm, mapping), backend)
add_to_backend(stm, backend)
class Fact(NamedTuple):
Ground representation of a fact.
symbol: Symbol
def _pretty_str_fact(stm: Fact, output_atoms: OutputTable) -> str:
Pretty print a fact.
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
return f"{stm.symbol}."
def _remap_fact(stm: Fact, mapping: AtomMap) -> Fact:
Remap a fact statement.
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
return stm
def _add_to_backend_fact(stm: Fact, backend: Backend) -> None:
Add a fact to the backend.
This does nothing to not interfere with the mapping of literals. If facts
are to be mapped, then this should be done manually beforehand.
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
class Show(NamedTuple):
Ground representation of a show statements.
symbol: Symbol
condition: Sequence[Literal]
def _pretty_str_show(stm: Show, output_atoms: OutputTable) -> str:
Pretty print a fact.
body = ", ".join(_pretty_str_lit(lit, output_atoms) for lit in stm.condition)
return f'#show {stm.symbol}{": " if body else ""}{body}.'
def _remap_show(stm: Show, mapping: AtomMap) -> Show:
Remap a show statetment.
return Show(stm.symbol, _remap_seq(stm.condition, mapping))
def _add_to_backend_show(stm: Show, backend: Backend) -> None:
Add a show statement to the backend.
Note that this currently does nothing because backend does not yet support
adding to the symbol table.
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
class Rule(NamedTuple):
Ground representation of disjunctive and choice rules.
choice: bool
head: Sequence[Atom]
body: Sequence[Literal]
def _pretty_str_rule(stm: Rule, output_atoms: OutputTable) -> str:
Pretty print a rule.
head = _pretty_str_rule_head(stm.choice, bool(stm.body), stm.head, output_atoms)
body = ", ".join(_pretty_str_lit(lit, output_atoms) for lit in stm.body)
return f"{head}{body}."
def _remap_rule(stm: Rule, mapping: AtomMap) -> Rule:
Remap literals in a rule.
return Rule(
stm.choice, _remap_seq(stm.head, mapping), _remap_seq(stm.body, mapping)
def _add_to_backend_rule(stm: Rule, backend: Backend) -> None:
Add a rule to the backend.
backend.add_rule(stm.head, stm.body, stm.choice)
class WeightRule(NamedTuple):
Ground representation of rules with a weight constraint in the body.
choice: bool
head: Sequence[Atom]
lower_bound: Weight
body: Sequence[Tuple[Literal, Weight]]
def _pretty_str_weight_rule(stm: WeightRule, output_atoms: OutputTable) -> str:
Pretty print a rule or weight rule.
head = _pretty_str_rule_head(stm.choice, bool(stm.body), stm.head, output_atoms)
body = ", ".join(
f"{weight},{i}: {_pretty_str_lit(literal, output_atoms)}"
for i, (literal, weight) in enumerate(stm.body)
return f"{head}{stm.lower_bound}{{{body}}}."
def _remap_weight_rule(stm: WeightRule, mapping: AtomMap) -> WeightRule:
Remap literals in a weight rule.
return WeightRule(
_remap_seq(stm.head, mapping),
_remap_wseq(stm.body, mapping),
def _add_to_backend_weight_rule(stm: WeightRule, backend: Backend) -> None:
Add a weight rule to the backend.
backend.add_weight_rule(stm.head, stm.lower_bound, stm.body, stm.choice)
class Project(NamedTuple):
Ground representation of project statements.
atom: Atom
def _pretty_str_project(stm: Project, output_atoms: OutputTable) -> str:
Pretty print a project statement.
return f"#project {_pretty_str_lit(stm.atom, output_atoms)}."
def _remap_project(stm: Project, mapping: AtomMap):
Remap project statement.
return Project(mapping(stm.atom))
def _add_to_backend_project(stm: Project, backend: Backend):
Add a project statement to the backend.
class External(NamedTuple):
Ground representation of external atoms.
atom: Atom
value: TruthValue
def _pretty_print_external(stm: External, output_atoms: OutputTable) -> str:
Pretty print an external.
return f"#external {_pretty_str_lit(stm.atom, output_atoms)}. [{_pretty_str_truth_value(stm.value)}]"
def _remap_external(stm: External, mapping: AtomMap) -> External:
Remap the external.
return External(mapping(stm.atom), stm.value)
def _add_to_backend_external(stm: External, backend: Backend):
Add an external statement to the backend remapping its atom.
backend.add_external(stm.atom, stm.value)
class Minimize(NamedTuple):
Ground representation of a minimize statement.
priority: Weight
literals: Sequence[Tuple[Literal, Weight]]
def _pretty_print_minimize(stm, output_atoms) -> str:
Pretty print a minimize statement.
body = "; ".join(
f"{weight}@{stm.priority},{i}: {_pretty_str_lit(literal, output_atoms)}"
for i, (literal, weight) in enumerate(stm.literals)
return f"#minimize{{{body}}}."
def _remap_minimize(stm: Minimize, mapping: AtomMap) -> Minimize:
Remap the literals in the minimize statement.
return Minimize(stm.priority, _remap_wseq(stm.literals, mapping))
def _add_to_backend_minimize(stm: Minimize, backend: Backend):
Add a minimize statement to the backend.
backend.add_minimize(stm.priority, stm.literals)
class Heuristic(NamedTuple):
Ground representation of a heuristic statement.
atom: Atom
type_: HeuristicType
bias: Weight
priority: Weight
condition: Sequence[Literal]
def _pretty_str_heuristic_type(type_):
return str(type_).replace("HeuristicType.", "")
def _pretty_str_heuristic(stm: Heuristic, output_atoms: OutputTable) -> str:
Pretty print a heuristic statement.
body = ", ".join(_pretty_str_lit(lit, output_atoms) for lit in stm.condition)
head = _pretty_str_lit(stm.atom, output_atoms)
type_ = _pretty_str_heuristic_type(stm.type_)
return f'#heuristic {head}{": " if body else ""}{body}. [{stm.bias}@{stm.priority}, {type_}]'
def _remap_heuristic(stm: Heuristic, mapping: AtomMap) -> Heuristic:
Remap the heuristic statement.
return Heuristic(
_remap_seq(stm.condition, mapping),
def _add_to_backend_heuristic(stm: Heuristic, backend: Backend) -> None:
Add a heurisitic statement to the backend.
backend.add_heuristic(stm.atom, stm.type_, stm.bias, stm.priority, stm.condition)
class Edge(NamedTuple):
Ground representation of a heuristic statement.
u: int
v: int
condition: Sequence[Literal]
def _pretty_str_edge(stm: Edge, output_atoms: OutputTable) -> str:
Pretty print a heuristic statement.
body = ", ".join(_pretty_str_lit(lit, output_atoms) for lit in stm.condition)
return f'#edge ({stm.u},{stm.v}){": " if body else ""}{body}.'
def _remap_edge(stm: Edge, mapping: AtomMap) -> Edge:
Remap an edge statement.
return Edge(stm.u, stm.v, _remap_seq(stm.condition, mapping))
def _add_to_backend_edge(stm: Edge, backend: Backend) -> None:
Add an edge statement to the backend remapping its literals.
backend.add_acyc_edge(stm.u, stm.v, stm.condition)
class Program: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
Ground program representation.
Although inefficient, the string representation of this program is parsable
by clingo.
output_atoms: MutableMapping[Atom, Symbol] = field(default_factory=dict)
A mapping from program atoms to symbols.
shows: List[Show] = field(default_factory=list)
A list of show statements.
facts: List[Fact] = field(default_factory=list)
A list of facts.
rules: List[Rule] = field(default_factory=list)
A list of rules.
weight_rules: List[WeightRule] = field(default_factory=list)
A list of weight rules.
heuristics: List[Heuristic] = field(default_factory=list)
A list of heuristic statements.
edges: List[Edge] = field(default_factory=list)
A list of edge statements.
minimizes: List[Minimize] = field(default_factory=list)
A list of minimize statements.
externals: List[External] = field(default_factory=list)
A list of external statements.
projects: Optional[List[Project]] = None
A list of project statements.
assumptions: List[Literal] = field(default_factory=list)
A list of assumptions in form of program literals.
def _pretty_stms(self, arg: Iterable[Statement], sort: bool) -> Iterable[str]:
if sort:
arg = sorted(arg)
return (pretty_str(x, self.output_atoms) for x in arg)
def _pretty_assumptions(self, sort: bool) -> Iterable[str]:
if not self.assumptions:
return []
arg = sorted(self.assumptions) if sort else self.assumptions
assumptions = (_pretty_str_lit(lit, self.output_atoms) for lit in arg)
return [f'% assumptions: {", ".join(assumptions)}']
def _pretty_projects(self, sort: bool) -> Iterable[str]:
if self.projects is None:
return []
# This is to inform that there is an empty projection statement.
# It might be worth to allow writing just #project.
if not self.projects:
return ["#project x: #false."]
arg = sorted(self.projects) if sort else self.projects
return (pretty_str(project, self.output_atoms) for project in arg)
def sort(self) -> "Program":
Sort the statements in the program inplace.
A reference to self.
if self.projects is not None:
return self
def remap(self, mapping: AtomMap) -> "Program":
Remap the literals in the program inplace.
A function to remap program atoms.
A reference to self.
See Also
_remap_stms(self.shows, mapping)
_remap_stms(self.facts, mapping)
_remap_stms(self.rules, mapping)
_remap_stms(self.weight_rules, mapping)
_remap_stms(self.heuristics, mapping)
_remap_stms(self.edges, mapping)
_remap_stms(self.minimizes, mapping)
_remap_stms(self.externals, mapping)
if self.projects is not None:
_remap_stms(self.projects, mapping)
for i, lit in enumerate(self.assumptions):
self.assumptions[i] = _remap_lit(lit, mapping)
self.output_atoms = {
mapping(lit): sym for lit, sym in self.output_atoms.items()
return self
def add_to_backend(
self, backend: Backend, mapping: Optional[AtomMap] = None
) -> "Program":
Add the program to the given backend with an optional mapping.
Note that the output table cannot be added to the backend for technical
reasons. This has to be taken care of by the user. See for example the
`Remapping` class, which provides functionality for this.
The backend.
A mapping function to remap literals.
A reference to self.
See Also
_add_stms_to_backend(self.shows, backend, mapping)
_add_stms_to_backend(self.facts, backend, mapping)
_add_stms_to_backend(self.rules, backend, mapping)
_add_stms_to_backend(self.weight_rules, backend, mapping)
_add_stms_to_backend(self.heuristics, backend, mapping)
_add_stms_to_backend(self.edges, backend, mapping)
_add_stms_to_backend(self.minimizes, backend, mapping)
_add_stms_to_backend(self.externals, backend, mapping)
if self.projects is not None:
if self.projects:
_add_stms_to_backend(self.projects, backend, mapping)
[_remap_lit(lit, mapping) if mapping else lit for lit in self.assumptions]
return self
def pretty_str(self, sort: bool = True) -> str:
Return a readable string represenation of the program.
Whether to sort the statements in the program befor printing.
The string representation of the program.
return "\n".join(
self._pretty_stms(self.shows, sort),
self._pretty_stms(self.facts, sort),
self._pretty_stms(self.rules, sort),
self._pretty_stms(self.weight_rules, sort),
self._pretty_stms(self.heuristics, sort),
self._pretty_stms(self.edges, sort),
self._pretty_stms(self.minimizes, sort),
self._pretty_stms(self.externals, sort),
def copy(self) -> "Program":
Return a shallow copy of the program copying all mutable state.
A shallow copy of the program.
return copy(self)
def __str__(self) -> str:
Return a readable string represenation of the program.
return self.pretty_str()
class Remapping:
This class maps existing literals to fresh literals as created by the
The backend used to introduce fresh atoms.
The output table to initialize the mapping with.
A list of facts each of which will receive a fresh program atom.
_backend: Backend
_map: MutableMapping[Atom, Atom]
def __init__(
self, backend: Backend, output_atoms: OutputTable, facts: Iterable[Fact] = None
self._backend = backend
self._map = {}
for atom, sym in output_atoms.items():
assert atom not in self._map
self._map[atom] = self._backend.add_atom(sym)
if facts is not None:
for fact in facts:
def __call__(self, atom: Atom) -> Atom:
Map the given program atom to the corresponding atom in the backend.
If the literal was not mapped during initialization, a new literal is
associated with it.
The atom to remap.
The remapped program atom.
if atom not in self._map:
self._map[atom] = self._backend.add_atom()
return self._map[atom]
__pdoc__["Remapping.__call__"] = True
class ProgramObserver(Observer):
Program observer to build a ground program representation while grounding.
This class explicitly ignores theory atoms because they already have a
ground representation.
The program to add statements to.
_program: Program
def __init__(self, program: Program):
self._program = program
def begin_step(self) -> None:
Resets the assumptions.
def output_atom(self, symbol: Symbol, atom: Atom) -> None:
Add the given atom to the list of facts or output table.
if atom != 0:
self._program.output_atoms[atom] = symbol
def output_term(self, symbol: Symbol, condition: Sequence[Literal]) -> None:
Add a term to the output table.
self._program.shows.append(Show(symbol, condition))
def rule(self, choice: bool, head: Sequence[Atom], body: Sequence[Literal]) -> None:
Add a rule to the ground representation.
Determines if the head is a choice or a disjunction.
List of program atoms forming the rule head.
List of program literals forming the rule body.
self._program.rules.append(Rule(choice, head, body))
def weight_rule(
choice: bool,
head: Sequence[Atom],
lower_bound: Weight,
body: Sequence[Tuple[Literal, Weight]],
) -> None:
Add a weight rule to the ground representation.
Determines if the head is a choice or a disjunction.
List of program atoms forming the head of the rule.
The lower bound of the weight constraint in the rule body.
List of weighted literals (pairs of literal and weight) forming the
elements of the weight constraint.
self._program.weight_rules.append(WeightRule(choice, head, lower_bound, body))
def project(self, atoms: Sequence[Atom]) -> None:
Add a project statement to the ground representation.
The program atoms to project on.
if self._program.projects is None:
self._program.projects = []
self._program.projects.extend(Project(atom) for atom in atoms)
def external(self, atom: Atom, value: TruthValue) -> None:
Add an external statement to the ground representation.
The external atom in form of a program literal.
The truth value of the external statement.
self._program.externals.append(External(atom, value))
def assume(self, literals: Sequence[Literal]) -> None:
Extend the program with the given assumptions.
The program literals to assume (positive literals are true and
negative literals false for the next solve call).
def minimize(
self, priority: Weight, literals: Sequence[Tuple[Literal, Weight]]
) -> None:
Add a minimize statement to the ground representation.
The priority of the directive.
List of weighted literals whose sum to minimize (pairs of literal
and weight).
self._program.minimizes.append(Minimize(priority, literals))
def acyc_edge(self, node_u: int, node_v: int, condition: Sequence[Literal]) -> None:
Add an edge statement to the gronud representation.
The start vertex of the edge (in form of an integer).
Тhe end vertex of the edge (in form of an integer).
The list of program literals forming th condition under which to
add the edge.
self._program.edges.append(Edge(node_u, node_v, condition))
def heuristic(
atom: Atom,
type_: HeuristicType,
bias: Weight,
priority: Weight,
condition: Sequence[Literal],
) -> None:
Add heurisitic statement to the gronud representation.
The program atom heuristically modified.
The type of the modification.
A signed integer.
An unsigned integer.
List of program literals.
Heuristic(atom, type_, bias, priority, condition)
def add_to_backend(stm, backend: Backend)
Add statements to the backend using the provided mapping to map literals.
- The statement to add to the backend.
- The backend.
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@singledispatch def add_to_backend(stm, backend: Backend): """ Add statements to the backend using the provided mapping to map literals. Parameters ---------- stm The statement to add to the backend. backend The backend. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument assert False, "unexpected type"
def pretty_str(stm, output_atoms: Mapping[int, Symbol]) ‑> str
Pretty print statements.
- The statement to convert to a string.
- A mapping from program atoms to symbols.
The string representation of the statement.
Expand source code
@singledispatch def pretty_str(stm, output_atoms: OutputTable) -> str: """ Pretty print statements. Parameters ---------- stm The statement to convert to a string. output_atoms A mapping from program atoms to symbols. Returns ------- The string representation of the statement. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument assert False, "unexpected type"
def remap(stm, mapping: Callable[[int], int])
Remap literals in the given statement with the provided mapping.
- The statement to remap.
- The mapping function to remap literals.
The updated statement.
See Also
Expand source code
@singledispatch def remap(stm, mapping: AtomMap): """ Remap literals in the given statement with the provided mapping. Parameters ---------- stm The statement to remap. mapping The mapping function to remap literals. Returns ------- The updated statement. See Also -------- Remapping """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument assert False, "unexpected type"
class Edge (u: int, v: int, condition: Sequence[int])
Ground representation of a heuristic statement.
Expand source code
class Edge(NamedTuple): """ Ground representation of a heuristic statement. """ u: int v: int condition: Sequence[Literal]
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var condition : Sequence[int]
Alias for field number 2
var u : int
Alias for field number 0
var v : int
Alias for field number 1
class External (atom: int, value: TruthValue)
Ground representation of external atoms.
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class External(NamedTuple): """ Ground representation of external atoms. """ atom: Atom value: TruthValue
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var atom : int
Alias for field number 0
var value : TruthValue
Alias for field number 1
class Fact (symbol: Symbol)
Ground representation of a fact.
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class Fact(NamedTuple): """ Ground representation of a fact. """ symbol: Symbol
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var symbol : Symbol
Alias for field number 0
class Heuristic (atom: int, type_: HeuristicType, bias: int, priority: int, condition: Sequence[int])
Ground representation of a heuristic statement.
Expand source code
class Heuristic(NamedTuple): """ Ground representation of a heuristic statement. """ atom: Atom type_: HeuristicType bias: Weight priority: Weight condition: Sequence[Literal]
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var atom : int
Alias for field number 0
var bias : int
Alias for field number 2
var condition : Sequence[int]
Alias for field number 4
var priority : int
Alias for field number 3
var type_ : HeuristicType
Alias for field number 1
class Minimize (priority: int, literals: Sequence[Tuple[int, int]])
Ground representation of a minimize statement.
Expand source code
class Minimize(NamedTuple): """ Ground representation of a minimize statement. """ priority: Weight literals: Sequence[Tuple[Literal, Weight]]
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var literals : Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]
Alias for field number 1
var priority : int
Alias for field number 0
class Program (output_atoms: MutableMapping[int, Symbol] = <factory>, shows: List[Show] = <factory>, facts: List[Fact] = <factory>, rules: List[Rule] = <factory>, weight_rules: List[WeightRule] = <factory>, heuristics: List[Heuristic] = <factory>, edges: List[Edge] = <factory>, minimizes: List[Minimize] = <factory>, externals: List[External] = <factory>, projects: Optional[List[Project]] = None, assumptions: List[int] = <factory>)
Ground program representation.
Although inefficient, the string representation of this program is parsable by clingo.
Expand source code
@dataclass class Program: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """ Ground program representation. Although inefficient, the string representation of this program is parsable by clingo. """ output_atoms: MutableMapping[Atom, Symbol] = field(default_factory=dict) """ A mapping from program atoms to symbols. """ shows: List[Show] = field(default_factory=list) """ A list of show statements. """ facts: List[Fact] = field(default_factory=list) """ A list of facts. """ rules: List[Rule] = field(default_factory=list) """ A list of rules. """ weight_rules: List[WeightRule] = field(default_factory=list) """ A list of weight rules. """ heuristics: List[Heuristic] = field(default_factory=list) """ A list of heuristic statements. """ edges: List[Edge] = field(default_factory=list) """ A list of edge statements. """ minimizes: List[Minimize] = field(default_factory=list) """ A list of minimize statements. """ externals: List[External] = field(default_factory=list) """ A list of external statements. """ projects: Optional[List[Project]] = None """ A list of project statements. """ assumptions: List[Literal] = field(default_factory=list) """ A list of assumptions in form of program literals. """ def _pretty_stms(self, arg: Iterable[Statement], sort: bool) -> Iterable[str]: if sort: arg = sorted(arg) return (pretty_str(x, self.output_atoms) for x in arg) def _pretty_assumptions(self, sort: bool) -> Iterable[str]: if not self.assumptions: return [] arg = sorted(self.assumptions) if sort else self.assumptions assumptions = (_pretty_str_lit(lit, self.output_atoms) for lit in arg) return [f'% assumptions: {", ".join(assumptions)}'] def _pretty_projects(self, sort: bool) -> Iterable[str]: if self.projects is None: return [] # This is to inform that there is an empty projection statement. # It might be worth to allow writing just #project. if not self.projects: return ["#project x: #false."] arg = sorted(self.projects) if sort else self.projects return (pretty_str(project, self.output_atoms) for project in arg) def sort(self) -> "Program": """ Sort the statements in the program inplace. Returns ------- A reference to self. """ self.shows.sort() self.facts.sort() self.rules.sort() self.weight_rules.sort() self.heuristics.sort() self.edges.sort() self.minimizes.sort() self.externals.sort() if self.projects is not None: self.projects.sort() self.assumptions.sort() return self def remap(self, mapping: AtomMap) -> "Program": """ Remap the literals in the program inplace. Parameters ---------- mapping A function to remap program atoms. Returns ------- A reference to self. See Also -------- remap """ _remap_stms(self.shows, mapping) _remap_stms(self.facts, mapping) _remap_stms(self.rules, mapping) _remap_stms(self.weight_rules, mapping) _remap_stms(self.heuristics, mapping) _remap_stms(self.edges, mapping) _remap_stms(self.minimizes, mapping) _remap_stms(self.externals, mapping) if self.projects is not None: _remap_stms(self.projects, mapping) for i, lit in enumerate(self.assumptions): self.assumptions[i] = _remap_lit(lit, mapping) self.output_atoms = { mapping(lit): sym for lit, sym in self.output_atoms.items() } return self def add_to_backend( self, backend: Backend, mapping: Optional[AtomMap] = None ) -> "Program": """ Add the program to the given backend with an optional mapping. Note that the output table cannot be added to the backend for technical reasons. This has to be taken care of by the user. See for example the `Remapping` class, which provides functionality for this. Parameters ---------- backend The backend. mapping A mapping function to remap literals. Returns ------- A reference to self. See Also -------- add_to_backend """ _add_stms_to_backend(self.shows, backend, mapping) _add_stms_to_backend(self.facts, backend, mapping) _add_stms_to_backend(self.rules, backend, mapping) _add_stms_to_backend(self.weight_rules, backend, mapping) _add_stms_to_backend(self.heuristics, backend, mapping) _add_stms_to_backend(self.edges, backend, mapping) _add_stms_to_backend(self.minimizes, backend, mapping) _add_stms_to_backend(self.externals, backend, mapping) if self.projects is not None: if self.projects: _add_stms_to_backend(self.projects, backend, mapping) else: backend.add_project([]) backend.add_assume( [_remap_lit(lit, mapping) if mapping else lit for lit in self.assumptions] ) return self def pretty_str(self, sort: bool = True) -> str: """ Return a readable string represenation of the program. Parameters ---------- sort Whether to sort the statements in the program befor printing. Returns ------- The string representation of the program. """ return "\n".join( chain( self._pretty_stms(self.shows, sort), self._pretty_stms(self.facts, sort), self._pretty_stms(self.rules, sort), self._pretty_stms(self.weight_rules, sort), self._pretty_stms(self.heuristics, sort), self._pretty_stms(self.edges, sort), self._pretty_stms(self.minimizes, sort), self._pretty_stms(self.externals, sort), self._pretty_projects(sort), self._pretty_assumptions(sort), ) ) def copy(self) -> "Program": """ Return a shallow copy of the program copying all mutable state. Returns ------- A shallow copy of the program. """ return copy(self) def __str__(self) -> str: """ Return a readable string represenation of the program. """ return self.pretty_str()
Class variables
var assumptions : List[int]
A list of assumptions in form of program literals.
var edges : List[Edge]
A list of edge statements.
var externals : List[External]
A list of external statements.
var facts : List[Fact]
A list of facts.
var heuristics : List[Heuristic]
A list of heuristic statements.
var minimizes : List[Minimize]
A list of minimize statements.
var output_atoms : MutableMapping[int, Symbol]
A mapping from program atoms to symbols.
var projects : Optional[List[Project]]
A list of project statements.
var rules : List[Rule]
A list of rules.
var shows : List[Show]
A list of show statements.
var weight_rules : List[WeightRule]
A list of weight rules.
def add_to_backend(self, backend: Backend, mapping: Optional[Callable[[int], int]] = None) ‑> Program
Add the program to the given backend with an optional mapping.
Note that the output table cannot be added to the backend for technical reasons. This has to be taken care of by the user. See for example the
class, which provides functionality for this.Parameters
- The backend.
- A mapping function to remap literals.
A reference to self.
See Also
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def add_to_backend( self, backend: Backend, mapping: Optional[AtomMap] = None ) -> "Program": """ Add the program to the given backend with an optional mapping. Note that the output table cannot be added to the backend for technical reasons. This has to be taken care of by the user. See for example the `Remapping` class, which provides functionality for this. Parameters ---------- backend The backend. mapping A mapping function to remap literals. Returns ------- A reference to self. See Also -------- add_to_backend """ _add_stms_to_backend(self.shows, backend, mapping) _add_stms_to_backend(self.facts, backend, mapping) _add_stms_to_backend(self.rules, backend, mapping) _add_stms_to_backend(self.weight_rules, backend, mapping) _add_stms_to_backend(self.heuristics, backend, mapping) _add_stms_to_backend(self.edges, backend, mapping) _add_stms_to_backend(self.minimizes, backend, mapping) _add_stms_to_backend(self.externals, backend, mapping) if self.projects is not None: if self.projects: _add_stms_to_backend(self.projects, backend, mapping) else: backend.add_project([]) backend.add_assume( [_remap_lit(lit, mapping) if mapping else lit for lit in self.assumptions] ) return self
def copy(self) ‑> Program
Return a shallow copy of the program copying all mutable state.
A shallow copy of the program.
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def copy(self) -> "Program": """ Return a shallow copy of the program copying all mutable state. Returns ------- A shallow copy of the program. """ return copy(self)
def pretty_str(self, sort: bool = True) ‑> str
Return a readable string represenation of the program.
- Whether to sort the statements in the program befor printing.
The string representation of the program.
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def pretty_str(self, sort: bool = True) -> str: """ Return a readable string represenation of the program. Parameters ---------- sort Whether to sort the statements in the program befor printing. Returns ------- The string representation of the program. """ return "\n".join( chain( self._pretty_stms(self.shows, sort), self._pretty_stms(self.facts, sort), self._pretty_stms(self.rules, sort), self._pretty_stms(self.weight_rules, sort), self._pretty_stms(self.heuristics, sort), self._pretty_stms(self.edges, sort), self._pretty_stms(self.minimizes, sort), self._pretty_stms(self.externals, sort), self._pretty_projects(sort), self._pretty_assumptions(sort), ) )
def remap(self, mapping: Callable[[int], int]) ‑> Program
Remap the literals in the program inplace.
- A function to remap program atoms.
A reference to self.
See Also
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def remap(self, mapping: AtomMap) -> "Program": """ Remap the literals in the program inplace. Parameters ---------- mapping A function to remap program atoms. Returns ------- A reference to self. See Also -------- remap """ _remap_stms(self.shows, mapping) _remap_stms(self.facts, mapping) _remap_stms(self.rules, mapping) _remap_stms(self.weight_rules, mapping) _remap_stms(self.heuristics, mapping) _remap_stms(self.edges, mapping) _remap_stms(self.minimizes, mapping) _remap_stms(self.externals, mapping) if self.projects is not None: _remap_stms(self.projects, mapping) for i, lit in enumerate(self.assumptions): self.assumptions[i] = _remap_lit(lit, mapping) self.output_atoms = { mapping(lit): sym for lit, sym in self.output_atoms.items() } return self
def sort(self) ‑> Program
Sort the statements in the program inplace.
A reference to self.
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def sort(self) -> "Program": """ Sort the statements in the program inplace. Returns ------- A reference to self. """ self.shows.sort() self.facts.sort() self.rules.sort() self.weight_rules.sort() self.heuristics.sort() self.edges.sort() self.minimizes.sort() self.externals.sort() if self.projects is not None: self.projects.sort() self.assumptions.sort() return self
class ProgramObserver (program: Program)
Program observer to build a ground program representation while grounding.
This class explicitly ignores theory atoms because they already have a ground representation.
- The program to add statements to.
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class ProgramObserver(Observer): """ Program observer to build a ground program representation while grounding. This class explicitly ignores theory atoms because they already have a ground representation. Parameters ---------- program The program to add statements to. """ _program: Program def __init__(self, program: Program): self._program = program def begin_step(self) -> None: """ Resets the assumptions. """ self._program.assumptions.clear() def output_atom(self, symbol: Symbol, atom: Atom) -> None: """ Add the given atom to the list of facts or output table. """ if atom != 0: self._program.output_atoms[atom] = symbol else: self._program.facts.append(Fact(symbol)) def output_term(self, symbol: Symbol, condition: Sequence[Literal]) -> None: """ Add a term to the output table. """ self._program.shows.append(Show(symbol, condition)) def rule(self, choice: bool, head: Sequence[Atom], body: Sequence[Literal]) -> None: """ Add a rule to the ground representation. Parameters ---------- choice Determines if the head is a choice or a disjunction. head List of program atoms forming the rule head. body List of program literals forming the rule body. """ self._program.rules.append(Rule(choice, head, body)) def weight_rule( self, choice: bool, head: Sequence[Atom], lower_bound: Weight, body: Sequence[Tuple[Literal, Weight]], ) -> None: """ Add a weight rule to the ground representation. Parameters ---------- choice Determines if the head is a choice or a disjunction. head List of program atoms forming the head of the rule. lower_bound The lower bound of the weight constraint in the rule body. body List of weighted literals (pairs of literal and weight) forming the elements of the weight constraint. """ self._program.weight_rules.append(WeightRule(choice, head, lower_bound, body)) def project(self, atoms: Sequence[Atom]) -> None: """ Add a project statement to the ground representation. Parameters ---------- atoms The program atoms to project on. """ if self._program.projects is None: self._program.projects = [] self._program.projects.extend(Project(atom) for atom in atoms) def external(self, atom: Atom, value: TruthValue) -> None: """ Add an external statement to the ground representation. Parameters ---------- atom The external atom in form of a program literal. value The truth value of the external statement. """ self._program.externals.append(External(atom, value)) def assume(self, literals: Sequence[Literal]) -> None: """ Extend the program with the given assumptions. Parameters ---------- literals The program literals to assume (positive literals are true and negative literals false for the next solve call). """ self._program.assumptions.extend(literals) def minimize( self, priority: Weight, literals: Sequence[Tuple[Literal, Weight]] ) -> None: """ Add a minimize statement to the ground representation. Parameters ---------- priority The priority of the directive. literals List of weighted literals whose sum to minimize (pairs of literal and weight). """ self._program.minimizes.append(Minimize(priority, literals)) def acyc_edge(self, node_u: int, node_v: int, condition: Sequence[Literal]) -> None: """ Add an edge statement to the gronud representation. Parameters ---------- node_u The start vertex of the edge (in form of an integer). node_v Тhe end vertex of the edge (in form of an integer). condition The list of program literals forming th condition under which to add the edge. """ self._program.edges.append(Edge(node_u, node_v, condition)) def heuristic( self, atom: Atom, type_: HeuristicType, bias: Weight, priority: Weight, condition: Sequence[Literal], ) -> None: """ Add heurisitic statement to the gronud representation. Parameters ---------- atom The program atom heuristically modified. type_ The type of the modification. bias A signed integer. priority An unsigned integer. condition List of program literals. """ self._program.heuristics.append( Heuristic(atom, type_, bias, priority, condition) )
def acyc_edge(self, node_u: int, node_v: int, condition: Sequence[int]) ‑> None
Add an edge statement to the gronud representation.
- The start vertex of the edge (in form of an integer).
- Тhe end vertex of the edge (in form of an integer).
- The list of program literals forming th condition under which to add the edge.
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def acyc_edge(self, node_u: int, node_v: int, condition: Sequence[Literal]) -> None: """ Add an edge statement to the gronud representation. Parameters ---------- node_u The start vertex of the edge (in form of an integer). node_v Тhe end vertex of the edge (in form of an integer). condition The list of program literals forming th condition under which to add the edge. """ self._program.edges.append(Edge(node_u, node_v, condition))
def assume(self, literals: Sequence[int]) ‑> None
Extend the program with the given assumptions.
- The program literals to assume (positive literals are true and negative literals false for the next solve call).
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def assume(self, literals: Sequence[Literal]) -> None: """ Extend the program with the given assumptions. Parameters ---------- literals The program literals to assume (positive literals are true and negative literals false for the next solve call). """ self._program.assumptions.extend(literals)
def begin_step(self) ‑> None
Resets the assumptions.
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def begin_step(self) -> None: """ Resets the assumptions. """ self._program.assumptions.clear()
def external(self, atom: int, value: TruthValue) ‑> None
Add an external statement to the ground representation.
- The external atom in form of a program literal.
- The truth value of the external statement.
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def external(self, atom: Atom, value: TruthValue) -> None: """ Add an external statement to the ground representation. Parameters ---------- atom The external atom in form of a program literal. value The truth value of the external statement. """ self._program.externals.append(External(atom, value))
def heuristic(self, atom: int, type_: HeuristicType, bias: int, priority: int, condition: Sequence[int]) ‑> None
Add heurisitic statement to the gronud representation.
- The program atom heuristically modified.
- The type of the modification.
- A signed integer.
- An unsigned integer.
- List of program literals.
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def heuristic( self, atom: Atom, type_: HeuristicType, bias: Weight, priority: Weight, condition: Sequence[Literal], ) -> None: """ Add heurisitic statement to the gronud representation. Parameters ---------- atom The program atom heuristically modified. type_ The type of the modification. bias A signed integer. priority An unsigned integer. condition List of program literals. """ self._program.heuristics.append( Heuristic(atom, type_, bias, priority, condition) )
def minimize(self, priority: int, literals: Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]) ‑> None
Add a minimize statement to the ground representation.
- The priority of the directive.
- List of weighted literals whose sum to minimize (pairs of literal and weight).
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def minimize( self, priority: Weight, literals: Sequence[Tuple[Literal, Weight]] ) -> None: """ Add a minimize statement to the ground representation. Parameters ---------- priority The priority of the directive. literals List of weighted literals whose sum to minimize (pairs of literal and weight). """ self._program.minimizes.append(Minimize(priority, literals))
def output_atom(self, symbol: Symbol, atom: int) ‑> None
Add the given atom to the list of facts or output table.
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def output_atom(self, symbol: Symbol, atom: Atom) -> None: """ Add the given atom to the list of facts or output table. """ if atom != 0: self._program.output_atoms[atom] = symbol else: self._program.facts.append(Fact(symbol))
def output_term(self, symbol: Symbol, condition: Sequence[int]) ‑> None
Add a term to the output table.
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def output_term(self, symbol: Symbol, condition: Sequence[Literal]) -> None: """ Add a term to the output table. """ self._program.shows.append(Show(symbol, condition))
def project(self, atoms: Sequence[int]) ‑> None
Add a project statement to the ground representation.
- The program atoms to project on.
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def project(self, atoms: Sequence[Atom]) -> None: """ Add a project statement to the ground representation. Parameters ---------- atoms The program atoms to project on. """ if self._program.projects is None: self._program.projects = [] self._program.projects.extend(Project(atom) for atom in atoms)
def rule(self, choice: bool, head: Sequence[int], body: Sequence[int]) ‑> None
Add a rule to the ground representation.
- Determines if the head is a choice or a disjunction.
- List of program atoms forming the rule head.
- List of program literals forming the rule body.
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def rule(self, choice: bool, head: Sequence[Atom], body: Sequence[Literal]) -> None: """ Add a rule to the ground representation. Parameters ---------- choice Determines if the head is a choice or a disjunction. head List of program atoms forming the rule head. body List of program literals forming the rule body. """ self._program.rules.append(Rule(choice, head, body))
def weight_rule(self, choice: bool, head: Sequence[int], lower_bound: int, body: Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]) ‑> None
Add a weight rule to the ground representation.
- Determines if the head is a choice or a disjunction.
- List of program atoms forming the head of the rule.
- The lower bound of the weight constraint in the rule body.
- List of weighted literals (pairs of literal and weight) forming the elements of the weight constraint.
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def weight_rule( self, choice: bool, head: Sequence[Atom], lower_bound: Weight, body: Sequence[Tuple[Literal, Weight]], ) -> None: """ Add a weight rule to the ground representation. Parameters ---------- choice Determines if the head is a choice or a disjunction. head List of program atoms forming the head of the rule. lower_bound The lower bound of the weight constraint in the rule body. body List of weighted literals (pairs of literal and weight) forming the elements of the weight constraint. """ self._program.weight_rules.append(WeightRule(choice, head, lower_bound, body))
Inherited members
class Project (atom: int)
Ground representation of project statements.
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class Project(NamedTuple): """ Ground representation of project statements. """ atom: Atom
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var atom : int
Alias for field number 0
class Remapping (backend: Backend, output_atoms: Mapping[int, Symbol], facts: Iterable[Fact] = None)
This class maps existing literals to fresh literals as created by the backend.
- The backend used to introduce fresh atoms.
- The output table to initialize the mapping with.
- A list of facts each of which will receive a fresh program atom.
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class Remapping: """ This class maps existing literals to fresh literals as created by the backend. Parameters ---------- backend The backend used to introduce fresh atoms. output_atoms The output table to initialize the mapping with. facts A list of facts each of which will receive a fresh program atom. """ _backend: Backend _map: MutableMapping[Atom, Atom] def __init__( self, backend: Backend, output_atoms: OutputTable, facts: Iterable[Fact] = None ): self._backend = backend self._map = {} for atom, sym in output_atoms.items(): assert atom not in self._map self._map[atom] = self._backend.add_atom(sym) if facts is not None: for fact in facts: backend.add_rule([backend.add_atom(fact.symbol)]) def __call__(self, atom: Atom) -> Atom: """ Map the given program atom to the corresponding atom in the backend. If the literal was not mapped during initialization, a new literal is associated with it. Parameters ---------- atom The atom to remap. Returns ------- The remapped program atom. """ if atom not in self._map: self._map[atom] = self._backend.add_atom() return self._map[atom]
def __call__(self, atom: int) ‑> int
Map the given program atom to the corresponding atom in the backend.
If the literal was not mapped during initialization, a new literal is associated with it.
- The atom to remap.
The remapped program atom.
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def __call__(self, atom: Atom) -> Atom: """ Map the given program atom to the corresponding atom in the backend. If the literal was not mapped during initialization, a new literal is associated with it. Parameters ---------- atom The atom to remap. Returns ------- The remapped program atom. """ if atom not in self._map: self._map[atom] = self._backend.add_atom() return self._map[atom]
class Rule (choice: bool, head: Sequence[int], body: Sequence[int])
Ground representation of disjunctive and choice rules.
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class Rule(NamedTuple): """ Ground representation of disjunctive and choice rules. """ choice: bool head: Sequence[Atom] body: Sequence[Literal]
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var body : Sequence[int]
Alias for field number 2
var choice : bool
Alias for field number 0
var head : Sequence[int]
Alias for field number 1
class Show (symbol: Symbol, condition: Sequence[int])
Ground representation of a show statements.
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class Show(NamedTuple): """ Ground representation of a show statements. """ symbol: Symbol condition: Sequence[Literal]
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var condition : Sequence[int]
Alias for field number 1
var symbol : Symbol
Alias for field number 0
class WeightRule (choice: bool, head: Sequence[int], lower_bound: int, body: Sequence[Tuple[int, int]])
Ground representation of rules with a weight constraint in the body.
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class WeightRule(NamedTuple): """ Ground representation of rules with a weight constraint in the body. """ choice: bool head: Sequence[Atom] lower_bound: Weight body: Sequence[Tuple[Literal, Weight]]
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var body : Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]
Alias for field number 3
var choice : bool
Alias for field number 0
var head : Sequence[int]
Alias for field number 1
var lower_bound : int
Alias for field number 2