
Welcome to the latest system developed as part of the “ASP + Theorem Proving“ (anthem) project! This system consolidates the findings and functionalities of previous prototypes into a more stable tool for verifying ASP programs. The theory behind ANTHEM has been given a thorough treatment in the ASP literature – if you are interested, the papers on verifying strong equivalence, checking programs against specs, and program to program verification are good starting points.

As the name suggests, anthem is a tool for automated verification of ASP programs. For a broad class of clingo and ASP-Core-2 programs, anthem can translate a program into a set of formulas written in the syntax of first-order logic. Given a specification (written in first-order logic or as another ASP program), anthem can automatically check certain types of equivalence hold between a program of interest and the specification by invoking the automated theorem prover vampire.

If you wish to experiment with anthem through a web interface, we provide one here.