TPTP Problem (.p)

Anthem produces TPTP problem files containing typed first-order formulas (TFF).

The Standard Preamble

The standard preamble (standard_interpretations.p) contains (problem-independent) types and axioms partially axiomatizing the conditions of standard interpretations.


The type declarations define the sorts of the target (formula representation) language (the numeral type corresponds to vampire’s built-in integer type, $int):

    tff(general_type, type, general: $tType).
    tff(symbol_type, type, symbol: $tType).

Objects within the universe of a subsort must be mapped to an object within the supersort universe:

    tff(f__integer___decl, type, f__integer__: ($int) > general).
    tff(f__symbolic___decl, type, f__symbolic__: (symbol) > general).
    tff(p__is_integer__decl, type, p__is_integer__: (general) > $o).
    tff(p__is_symbolic__decl, type, p__is_symbolic__: (general) > $o).

#inf and #sup are special general terms which do not belong to the symbol or numeral subsorts:

    tff(inf_type, type, c__infimum__: general).
    tff(sup_type, type, c__supremum__: general).

General terms are ordered:

    tff(p__less_equal__decl, type, p__less_equal__: (general * general) > $o).
    tff(p__less__decl, type, p__less__: (general * general) > $o).
    tff(p__greater_equal__decl, type, p__greater_equal__: (general * general) > $o).
    tff(p__greater__decl, type, p__greater__: (general * general) > $o).


    tff(p__is_integer__def_ax, axiom, ![X: general]: (p__is_integer__(X) <=> (?[N: $int]: (X = f__integer__(N))))).
    tff(p__is_symbolic__def_ax, axiom, ![X1: general]: (p__is_symbolic__(X1) <=> (?[X2: symbol]: (X1 = f__symbolic__(X2))))).

The universe of general terms consists of symbols, numerals, #inf, and #sup:

    tff(general_universe_ax, axiom, ![X: general]: ((X = c__infimum__) | p__is_integer__(X) | p__is_symbolic__(X) | (X = c__supremum__))).

The mappings from subsorts to supersorts should preserve equality between terms:

    tff(f__integer__def_ax, axiom, ![N1: $int, N2: $int]: ((f__integer__(N1) = f__integer__(N2)) <=> (N1 = N2))).
    tff(f__symbolic__def_ax, axiom, ![S1: symbol, S2: symbol]: ((f__symbolic__(S1) = f__symbolic__(S2)) <=> (S1 = S2))).

Numerals are ordered analogously to integers:

    tff(numeral_ordering_ax, axiom, ![N1: $int, N2: $int]: (p__less_equal__(f__integer__(N1), f__integer__(N2)) <=> $lesseq(N1, N2))).

The ordering is transitive:

    tff(transitive_ordering_ax, axiom, ![X1: general, X2: general, X3: general]: ((p__less_equal__(X1, X2) & p__less_equal__(X2, X3)) => p__less_equal__(X1, X3))).

The ordering is total:

    tff(antisymmetric_ordering_ax, axiom, ![X1: general, X2: general]: ((p__less_equal__(X1, X2) & p__less_equal__(X2, X1)) => (X1 = X2))).
    tff(strongly_connected_ordering_ax, axiom, ![X1: general, X2: general]: (p__less_equal__(X1, X2) | p__less_equal__(X2, X1))).

The remaining relations are defined in terms of less or equal:

    tff(p__less__def_ax, axiom, ![X1: general, X2: general]: (p__less__(X1, X2) <=> (p__less_equal__(X1, X2) & (X1 != X2)))).
    tff(p__greater_equal__def_ax, axiom, ![X1: general, X2: general]: (p__greater_equal__(X1, X2) <=> p__less_equal__(X2, X1))).
    tff(p__greater__def_ax, axiom, ![X1: general, X2: general]: (p__greater__(X1, X2) <=> (p__less_equal__(X2, X1) & (X1 != X2)))).

#inf is the minimum general term, numerals are less than symbols, and #sup is the maximum general term:

    tff(minimal_element_ax, axiom, ![N: $int]: p__less__(c__infimum__, f__integer__(N))).
    tff(numerals_less_than_symbols_ax, axiom, ![N: $int, S: symbol]: p__less__(f__integer__(N), f__symbolic__(S))).
    tff(maximal_element_ax, axiom, ![S: symbol]: p__less__(f__symbolic__(S), c__supremum__)).

Axioms Supporting External Equivalence

The standard preamble is part of every verification task. Additional axioms are added to this partial axiomatization based on the problem at hand.

Let P denote the set of problem types consisting of function constants for each placeholder in the user guide. Let F denote the set of symbolic constants (excluding placeholders) occurring anywhere in the problem. To ensure that each f in F satisfies the unique name assumption of Herbrand interpretations, we need a set of axioms O defining a total order on F. For instance, if F is {a, b, c}, then O is {a < b, b < c}. Note that a < c is a consequence of the transitivity axiom of the preamble. Additionally, we need a type declaration for every predicate in the problem (denote this set of declarations as R). We extend the standard preamble with \(P \cup F \cup O \cup R\). For example, for a problem containing an integer placeholder k$, symbolic constants a and c, and predicates p/2 and q/1, we add the axioms

    tff(type, type, k$i: $int).
    tff(type, type, a: symbol).
    tff(type, type, c: symbol).
    tff(symbolic_constant_order, axiom, p__less__(f__symbolic__(a), f__symbolic__(c))).
    tff(predicate_0, type, p: (general * general) > $o).
    tff(predicate_1, type, q: (general) > $o).

Axioms Supporting Strong Equivalence

Since strong equivalence does not support user guides or placeholders, the standard preamble is extended with \(F \cup O \cup R\) instead. Additionally, we need axioms representing the ordering between the here and there worlds. Thus, for a pair of predicates (hp, tp) we add the axiom \[\widetilde{\forall} (hp \rightarrow tp) \]